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Does a place like this exist?


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I'm considering the possibility of moving to another country when I get out of high school or college.


The question is, are there any places in the world left that hasn't come under the iron grip of consumerism, rigid social structures and detachment from the most important things in life? Where people really connect to one another, no-holds-barred? Where people aren't obsessed with science and the next technological advancement? Where people aren't obsessed with purgatory and 'the hell that awaits you' if you refuse to live strictly by some religious text?


I doubt there are really places like this, but I know there must be countries that come closer to this than others.

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Myanmar? N. Korea? Some parts of canada? I think the world is the world- people with nothing are concerned with getting things- we think they're being spoiled and consumerised because we're already jaded by our comfort. I'm surrounded by people totally obsessed with having the newest and the best.


Not being "consumed" by it is more about who you surround yourself with I reckon.


There are plenty of remote islands in the world though. Dont know what you'd do there though.


For example

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No tv. Plenty of gossip tho I imagine

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Well not all of Europe is consumerist.

Where I live altough we get roughly only 25% the living standard of an American, but you get in return these:

1.) A strong healthcare system.

2.) Strong social fabric and modestly good security (you don't have to worry about wandering at night in dark alleys)

3.) A decent living even on minimum wage.

4.) Not so rigid social structures, you can work things out informally avoiding the rules sometimes.

5.) Lots of culture especcially fireworks. lol


The downface:

1.) If you wanna live a luxrious life then this not the place to be.

2.) Slowly but, surel things will change and it will turn out consumerist like rest of Europe.

3.) You'll certainly need to learn the language, there is strong prejudice unfortunately against foreigners especially ethnic groups not from europe.

4.) You'll sometimes be disgusted by how much damage you'll see by not having formal social structures.


I can't complain about where I live that is the only thing you'll need to learn is a language which, is.


Well, like every culture you have to understand it. Then decide if it fits your likings, for me certainly it doesn't I wish I'd be at Australia my birthplace not here in Malta. The only reason I'm here is that education here is excellent and free even for university. The downside you need citzenship lol! But still its still darn cheap and good. Anyways you'll have to look somewhere else there ain't no paradise in the world, everything has its downside.

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Does a place like this exist?

Yes it does, in your mind. Which is the place all great changes in society started.


I do not know if you can be legally home schooled in the US; I know you can here in NZ. As for the other factors you mention, each of us lives in our own world with most folk having a lot in with a common world. If you wish to live in a world that is more uncommon, you will need to develop strong personal boundaries and enforce them. You will in effect be going against many of the current common social mores of your country.


This is not a matter of escape, but courage. Start by enforcing your own boundaries in a small way where you are, and watch your own personal country (territory) grow. This can transform society (and also be very exciting).

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