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Is it Really Bad Timing?

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I need some advise from some female bloggers....


Recently I've been dating a co-worker who has just ended a 3 1/2 year relationship about 4 months ago. We hit it off great as we have so many

things in common especially our outlook in life. However, when things started to get more serious in terms of pursuing a relationship, suddenly she backed off. She's says it's too soon and the timing is bad. She also said that if there is any chance of us making it work, I'll have to give her time.


Now my question is...in telling me it's bad timing, is it a way of telling me she's not interested and I should move on? I've had this happen to me a few times now and I've waited to no avail. By stepping back, there's always the chance of loosing her. She is an awesome person, someone who I don't

want to lose as I think she is really worth the wait.


Puzzled & patiently waiting...

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First Welcome to ENA,

Well I am male but here I go. It is probly too soon for her, She might be afrade of geting hurt. I know that you arnt going to hurt her. I say just be her friend and see where that gets you. But I say date other people. Or you can do what I did and be her friend and slightly keep pushing but nothing to hard, we did get together but we still broke up. So it is up to you. I hope this helps.

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She's worried in case she's getting into a relationship with you on 'the rebound'. If that's the case it wouldn't be fair to either of you. All she's doing is giving herself more time to adjust before she gets serious with you.


There's nothing to stop the two of you still being friends and hanging out together.

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First, welcome to enotalone!


Personally I think she is telling the truth. If she just got out of a 3 plus year relationship 4 months ago she should concentrate on herself and her grieving of the lost relationship. If you want to keep seeing her, dont pressure her to become serious.


Give her the space she is asking for. Get to know her. Have fun hanging out and be her friend. If its meant to be it will happen all in its own time. As for if its worth the wait? That is up to you. To get into a serious relationship right now, may not be good for either of you. She will still carry the baggage from her past relationship.

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The way I see it, if you really do care about her and she's worth it wait her and be her friend. A friendship before a realtionship will make things that much better. But I say keep your self open and don't get attached, if there is someone else that come by let this girl know what's going on and let her decide.

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