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How to get more Endurance.

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I am trying to become a police officer, I have done the book work, I just dont have the endurance to do the long running required. I have been running every day and trying to eat right. I know that it is going to be alot of hard work on my part, I just what to know if I am forgeting something.

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Endurance requires building up not only mileage, but also intensity over time. This means mixing in longer runs, but also shorter, intense runs with tempo runs and speed drills too to increase your overall capacity for both distance and speed (endurance).


You should only increase mileage by 5-10% a week, and then every three weeks have a "recovery week" where you do a lower mileage week.


In addition, you should not run everyday, because your legs need time to recover, as does your heart. If you are running everyday, you are not giving yourself time to recharge, and thereforeeee you aren't going to be able to give as much to each workout and thereforeeee to building endurance. Run 3-4 x week, and then do a couple days of easier cross training (like swimming or cycling) if you really must do something, but give the running legs a rest.


If you are only running a couple miles a day without a real goal, running everyday is not "so bad" (except it is smart to give knees and legs time to recover and mix up terrain you run on) but if you do have goals of building intensity/endurance/speed or to race for example even, you really do need to incorporate adequate rest. You don't get stronger/faster WHILE working out, that happens in between workouts as your muscles rebuild and reprogram basically. Not taking the rest just wears down the muscle but does not give it time to do the rebuilding to get stronger!


If you check out link removed, they have a great little tool to develop a training program. Put in your current mileage, your goal and it will spit out a nice little 16 week training plan for you.

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