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Guyspeak - what does he mean??

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I have been seeing someone for about 6 weeks. We are taking things slow, "a day at a time". He has been married several times before, and I have been married once before, so we are not kids by any means. Hence, taking it SLOW... LOL


In the last couple of days he has said things like "My friend so and so asked if I've married you yet because I don't see him anymore" and "WE should do such and such". When a guy starts saying things like this is he testing to see your reaction, or is he actually letting it slip that maybe you could be someone he sees in his life long term?


Any ideas?



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Be careful about driving yourself crazy reading too much into his comments. Yes he could be talking about a long term relationship with you. On the other hand he could just be making pleasant conversation.


And as for the word 'we' does he say "We should go to the movies" or does he say "We should get married"? Same word, really different context.


I think you are on the right track taking it slow and seeing how things are going. Enjoy your time together and don't be too hung up on analyzing his every word.

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My own experience has been when guys talk like this they are really in to you and are hoping your response to their comments will confirm that you are in to them, too.

As another 'not-so-spring-chicken' I want to clarify that taking things slowly is relative. When we were 20's & 30's we needed a couple of years to be sure about something (or someone). After 40, I say your gut is the best barometer (assuming your life has been mostly good, healthy choices) and that a few months should be all it takes to know if someone is right for you.

Just my perspective...best of luck with it.

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