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hi, its me again, somthing very special happened today. and i hink i ***ed it up. so anyway........ this is how it happened.


well i rang my friend up. and asked her if she wanted to come round and watch a video with me. so she accepted , and she came round. now about half an hour into the movie. we started fighting. and i eventually pinned her down, i started slowly biting on her neck and kissing her neck . and i got the impression she really liked it....then she asked me a question. i was shocked, and went all shy, she asked me to pull her thong out.....now i then responded with "are you serious" and she said "yes" then i said "why cant u pull it out" and she said "becuase your holding my hands" so i let her go..and she pulled it out herself, then we sat back down and watched the film , about 10 minutes later, she sat up ...(by the way ,we were on my bed) and she said "pull my thong out" she was facing me and she had her trousers pryed apart. i being very shy thought she was just messing around having a laugh. so i laughed and said "no",


now after the film was finished she spoke a bit and then she left,


then when i thought about what i passed up i starting kicking myself.i felt like an idiot. do u think i should of gone ahead and pulled it out?, maybe she wanted it to go a little further? and what i done or didnt do i may have gave her the impression i dont have them type of feelings for her!? and she may never give me another oppotunity.


so what a really want to know is ,......why did she ask me to pull her thong out??because maybe it was just a favor or she wanted me to put my hand down there?, also, if i did give her the impression i have no intrests in her, and she never trys to make a move(assuming she was), ...what can i say or do to let her know i am still intrested. am thinking next time i see her...(more and likely 2morro), i should make the move.....how should i go about this, what shall i do, what shall i say?


DAMNNNNN! i feel like an idiot... ....

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Dont feel like an idiot. U didnt want to do it so u didnt. Dont just so sumthin because ur a guy and other guys say u should, it doesnt work that way. Im sure she knows u are shy, so dont worry about her not likin u ne more. But make sure u talk to ehr tomoro, se is prolly jsut as confused as u are. Everything will straighten out im sure, and it seems as if she lieks u. If u hafta, tell her what u just told us here....that u are shy and thought she was kdding around etc etc etc . Just let her kno and im sure things will turn out fine.


Dont loose sleep or ne thing, relax and talk bout it with her tomoro. Good luck



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its not that i DIDNT want to do it, its just that i thought she was ust joking around, it didnt hit me till later. and yes i am shy , but we are VERY close friends..probably best of friend's..and am not at all shy around her..its like...i dunno. its like theres no need for me to be shy around her........


its not that i want to bed her..no its nothig like that. but if i could go back i would do it just 2 see where it went.......theres a thread created by me somwhere, that explains our situation more, i wont go into detail, about it, buuutt, we was once lovers along time ago . and it just didnt work out, and so we made an agreement that we should get romantically involved. with each other. and just be really good friends....but am falling in love with her....and i dont really know if the feelings mutual.....it may sound like it by the way i explain it..but shes a bit of a flirt around everyone..

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