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I have a small piece of advice for all you people questioning whether or not to tell your crush about your feelings for them -- JUST DO IT.


I've been working at this place all summer... for safety and anonymity's sake, I won't say where. All summer long I was single and didn't find myself attracted to anyone, man or woman. Many of the guys, from what I'm told, liked me though. But I wasn't interested.


Then along came this girl. I assume she had been working there the whole time, but I only just took notice of her a few weeks ago. I started crushing HARD. I can honestly never say I've felt this way about anyone. I consider myself bisexual, but never had any intense feelings like this before for a woman (just further confirming my orientation). I still remember the exact second our eyes first met and how every time we looked at each other thereafter, it felt like my heart was getting electrocuted. She made me nervous and giddy, and I even blushed a few times because she caught me looking at her. Every second I was at work and every second I was at home, I craved to be around her.


BUT... I was too nervous to say anything. What if she wasn't into it? What if I embarrass myself? How do I know if she's interested?


There were signs she was interested, but I pretended to be a little naive in order to save myself major embarrassment if I was reading her wrong. She is the most beautiful person I've ever seen in my entire life and to have her hate me would be the end of the world.


Now it's my last week. I come in to work, assuming we'll continue with our little "games" of finding ways to be around one another, glances here and there.... etc. Only to find out she's on vacation for the next week. There's a strong possiblity I will never see this girl again in my entire life. As scary as it would have been to tell her how I feel about her, it's an even WORSE feeling knowing that now she'll never know and now I'll never know...


Trust me when I say you don't want these feelings of regret. It's going to eat away at me for a long time. Just tell him/her how you feel.

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I am so sorry, i know how it feels, something like that happened to me once


Yeah... I'm like, 99.99% sure the feelings were mutual. I mean, it was pretty obvious. But because it was left so late into the summer, two weeks was just not enough time for me to build up the courage. I don't know if I'll ever get over it.

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I agree with ya, just do it!

I'm so sorry that you don't know how she feels though, that's a true bummer, maybe you could find her.


While I do suspect the feelings were mutual, I don't want to seem like a stalker. There's a .1 chance I was reading the situation wrong and if that's the case, it would be highly embarrassing to track her down and then get rejected. Things would've been so much easier if I had've just said something when I had a MILLION chances.

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Since you work together then you can get her phone number, right? That's what I would do and then call her when she gets back from vacation. Let us know what happens.


Well, everyone's phone numbers aren't exactly listed somewhere. And I think my co-workers would find it a little strange that I was asking for her phone number. The whole thing was very covert. I am thinking about asking if anyone has her e-mail address because "I forgot to give her a piece of information about something". hahah. I don't know what to do. I've got four days.


There is an upside to this story, though. I do go back next summer. Whether it's to the same department, I'm not sure. Will the feelings still be the same eight months from now? I'm not sure. Will she even be there next summer? Again, I'm not sure.


HENCE -- tell your crush about how you feel NO MATTER WHAT.

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Thanks. It's a scary thought thinking about phoning her up and telling her everything. Somehow I'm sure she already knows, but for me to have to take the first step is really difficult. But I think I might do just that because it's still really bothering me that I never told her.

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Ok, so I never built up enough guts to ask anyone for her phone number. I did find out the spelling of her last name though, turned into creepystalkergirl and I *think* I found her phone number. She has a unique last name and it's in the correct area of where she lives.


SO.... the question now is, do I call her? You're all going to say YES! but I'm a little nervous. An e-mail would just be so much easier. I'm worried that all this "flirting" that happened was in my head and really she has no idea who I am....


I think that's not the case, but if it is I would probably die on the phone. hahahha.

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Why don't you just phone the number and say you used to work at ..... and you didn't realise that .... was going to be on holiday on your last day, etc. If that's not her home I'm sure it'll be a relative. If she's not there leave your telephone/mobile numbers and email address so she can contact you.


Don't miss out on an opportunity even if you only end up as friends or as months go by you'll be thinking, 'What if ......' and 'If only .....'.


You've got nothing to lose and everything to gain.


Good luck.

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