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going back to school without him

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hey everyone. I thought some encouragement from this cite would help. Basically I've been dating this guy for about a year already, we met my freshmen year at college, and now i am going into my junior year. The dilemma here though is that he graduated last year, so this is will be the first time i'm at school without him. I'm not worried about trust issues, just that it will be tough and different without him. At school I have a great group of friends and I will be living with all of them, but he would be my escape when I needed it, and ultimately my best friend. We are going to be 2 1/2 hours away from eachother, and we decided we'll obviously both visit eachother. But I'm just nervous. Nervous that I wont have any desire to go out; going out for me used to be exciting because I knew I'd be with him. Nervous that sometimes I'll feel voids in my day that would usually be spent with him. I know its silly and that a girl should be able to enjoy college without a guy in her life, but im just scared for the change and I was wondering if any of you have suggestions. I'm not scared for our relationship to weaken because it is very strong, I'm just scared of the change. I just dont know what to expect...please let me know what you guys think! Anything to lift me up! thanks



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Just keep spending time with your friends. Use them as your outlet or even join some new clubs at school. I'm sure you'll be busy with school because I was when I was in college 2 years ago. And my roommates and I spent time together, even if it was watching TV or going out. I wasn't stuck at my computer or my phone waiting for my boyfriend to call or talk to me. We were long distance when I was in school and talking to him was a nice way to avoid doing work, but also to remind me how much he meant to me.


If you both are meant to be, it'll work out. If you had a strong connection while together at school and good communication, then you should be ok.

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I just read your post and thought Im would reply as it sounds bit like me, sept the other way round.

Me and my bf nick have been together for a year and a half, but last year he went to uni, we have already survived a year, but after a long summer together i dont want him to go back.

I am the same, i trust him its just the missing him and not having him around.

In your situation i would look at it this way, at least you had the year at uni with him, and at least his not millions of miles away, altho it might be every two weeks, whoch is what mine is, at least its something! I suggest goign out with mates, its worst for me cos i mainly see my friends on a weeknd, were as nick is with company al the time, u can keep yourself occupied and then look forward to seein him.

Hope this helped, iv been worryin all day so thought i would wright. xx

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