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Worried...could i be preg?

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ok,so I already left a post but it was in the wrong subject so I'm changing it.


Ok here's the problem...my boyfriend an I decided to take a shower together yesterday and we were going to be careful an keep object away from areas, but they got close once. They didn't touch, they just came really close. I'm also worried that maybe some of his pre-cum got on his hands an then he touched me, but i'm not sure about that part...I'm pretty sure that we stopped after that point.

And just so you know i'm on the pill.


Please help...I'm worried about this.

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It would be very, very unlikely for you to be pregnant from what you described. You cannot get pregnant if your genitals did not touch.


Although there have been rare cases of people getting pregnant from ejaculate being on their partners hands, the fact that you're on birth control and that the shower water was washing it off makes it very unlikely.


The first sign of pregnancy would be a missed period. Unless you have missed your period, do not worry.



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Call Planned Parenthood and ask to speak with a counselor about whether "Plan-B" is called for.


For the future:

If you're taking a "mini-pill" (low-dose), be sure to take it at the same time every day.

Make sure he learns to wash his hands. Not OCD, but no risks either.


Hang in there.


Uh, wow, just realized - 88 is probably your birth year. Um, so you don't remember the Bush Sr. Administration, and Reagan ... sorry, that has NOTHING to do with your worries right now. Someday in 15 years you'll be posting on a board like this and be amused that someone posting was born in 2000 and only knows from history books that there was a Mr. President Clinton.

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the fact that you're on birth control and that the shower water was washing it off makes it very unlikely.


I suspect she knows the very very very unlikely bit - it's the 0.00002% chance that's getting to her! I've been through this myself, and numbers aren't too comforting.


LOVE this:

People call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that distinguish me from a doormat.

Do you recall who said this?


I was surprised recently at how allergically a poster reacted when I referred to different kinds of feminism. She was horrified at the word. I thought that the definition you use was pretty standard by now ...

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Sounds good then.


BUT keep in mind, a clinic is a good resource if you're in doubt. They're staffed by qualified medical professionals (and well-trained volunteers) - and for all you know, we're just overcaffeinated middle-school-dropout cons surfin' the net on break from chain-gang duty.

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I like AntiLove's advice. I think it would do you more good than harm to educate yourself more on sex and birth control and stuff like that.


I don't know if you and your boyfriend are having sexual intercourse yet, but honestly, if you are worried about pre cum on your boyfriend's hands, then it might just be worse with actual sex.


And of course there's nothing wrong with worrying, but if it's causing you stress, then you really need to question what you are doing.


But anyways, there's a very small chance of you being pregnant from what you described, but we could never tell you for a fact.

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You really have nothing to worry about,


But to curb your worries as someone suggested,


If it would give you peace of mind,


Call planned parenthood and get the plan B pill,


It's really very similar to the mini-pill,


But at least you can discuss your worries with them,


And maybe go in to their birth control education classes,


So you aren't so worried about pregnancy if no intercourse was involved.





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