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is he not that into me?

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Guys, you are a great bunch. Here is an issue, tell me if he is just not that into me.


Went out on 2 dates with a guy who is in town for business. He comes in and out a lot. We clicked right away and he even said he will call me and before he left, he emailed me from the airplane saying he will be in my thoughts and want to see me in the future. Well, after he left, I send him a messge saying "Hope you made it in okay, traveling is tough these days", I then send him a very tomboyish picture of myself to go with his thought, then I said I will send him a more feminine picture of myself later....


It has been 2 days now, he hasn't emailed me back... I thought he would want to see a more pretty picture of me, would want to contact me. No we haven't had sex, even though he wanted to on our second date. I just found out that he just logged onto link removed and has been active within 24hrs.


What is going one? Is it me? He is not that into me? Playing hard to get on his part? He is a very busy person....


Any insight would be great....

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It is very early to tell. Possibilities are endless. Maybe he assumes you will just forward the pics when you have the chance.


Just don't get all caught up in going to that site to see when he last logs on. That will drive you crazy if you see that he still does.


Just be patient... enjoy the butterflies

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Uh... maybe I don't get this part, but why did you send him a picture of yourself? I know if I got a picture in an e-mail I'd be really turned off. He knows what you look like, sending him a picture is like asking him to print it out and frame it on his desk so he doesn't forget you or something. He still may get back to you... it's only been a couple days. I'd get ready to move on...

p.s. is sending a picture common practice?

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Hi nemo,


Oh it is a very very different picture of me. When he saw me, I have long hair and no glasses at all, but I told him that I use to have very very short hair and I had glasses on as well. So it is a different me, that is why I am sending him the picture.


Beside, he said I will be in his thoughts before he left, so I thought sending him a picture of myself to go with that thought might be okay, No?? nemo?


Also, if he does feel that way (the way you describe) wanting him to frame it, then we are not emotionally compatible at all. It was a fun gesture and a sort of funny different picture of me, a different side, it was meant to be fun 75% and the 25% yes, to remind him of how I can look differently (may be).

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Whoa, don't beat yourself up over it. I wasn't trying to be critical... I understand now the humerous nature of the idea. But, in general, sending people pictures of yourself after a couple dates is a bit much. That's just my opinion, even if it is meant to be funny. I don't even take a picture with the person I'm dating until after a few dates (and that's a minimum). I think pictures have a HUGE impact on us. Imagine if he sent you a pic... you wouldn't just glance over it and smile, you'd probably look at every pixel. And what if he's not photogenic, you might get turned off for no reason. I think the point of dating is to reach a comfort level with someone so that they not only respect you as a person and not just as a face. Then again I'm single right now, what the hell do I know.

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