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Having a weak NC moment. Please help. Anybody?

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Well my man, what's done is done and you've said your peace so let it be. Now it's time to start the road back to the top, so put this on the back burner as if she has anything left ot say to you, you'll obviously be the first to know! Get out a bit, start taking care of yourself, and bring some other female competition into the picture. Just talk to em, get your mind off of things. It'll accelerate the healing.

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Well my man, what's done is done and you've said your peace so let it be. Now it's time to start the road back to the top, so put this on the back burner as if she has anything left ot say to you, you'll obviously be the first to know! Get out a bit, start taking care of yourself, and bring some other female competition into the picture. Just talk to em, get your mind off of things. It'll accelerate the healing.


Thanks helo. this was a long time coming. If she has anything to say to me at all, I don't expect it for a long while. i just feel so much better since I know i put a stop to the charades. It's the finality of it all that is killing me, and the thought that perhaps she didn't care at all.


Any way I'm starting on that road back up today. I'll be sure to post when i feel weak. I'm not going back just to get hurt again.

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Well she's called me 3 times since Monday but I haven't answered yet.


This is beginning to feel like game playing. I know this little bit wasn't enough to change her mind, but what could she possibly say to me now? I thought this was what she wanted?


She called and left me a voicemail on monday saying the email made her cry, and she was going to call me later that night. I emailed her back:


Hey I got your message today. Thank God you're finally getting your classroom setup. Honestly we don't need to speak tonight, you just focus on getting yourself together. My last email pretty much said everything, and you have made it clear how you feel. Take care.


She called twice again last night, once on my cell, and left a message at my home number.


I'm afraid of the "final" call, you know? A part of me still wants her back.

The only recourse if I do speak with her is to stick to what I wrote in the email.



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