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He has options...

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I'll try to keep this short....


Been together for 2 1/2 years. Don't live together, mostly see eachother on weekends... He's been acting weird lately so I asked him if he met someone... his reply is he has friends he talks to on a regular basis AND if it doesn't work ot with me he has options. Then I asked him if it was this girl - someone he's been with (his words) - he said no she has a b/f any way- so there's the lie she is single - he's been calling her - after 6 years all of a sudden - someone he's been with for no reason.


Am I fooling myself?

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If someone tells you that they have "other options"......I would quite quickly tell them "Good, because I am no longer one of them".


Honestly, the question of whom they are, or what this girl is in relation to him, and all...are not really the things that matter. If he has quite bluntly told you that if you don't work out he has options...he is telling you he knows you aren't going to work out, because he has options. At the very least he is emotionally betraying you.


People committed to their partners are not scouting for options.

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If someone tells you that they have "other options"......I would quite quickly tell them "Good, because I am no longer one of them".


Zinnnnnnnnnng! Oh, that was a good one, RayKay! And right on the money, too.


To the OP, you don't need this kind of disrespectful treatment. I can only imagine what else he has subjected you to over the years. Isn't it time to walk away from this dud, no matter how much you've invested in time and effort? If he's not doing the same, clearly this "investment" isn't going to pan out anyway.

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grass is greener.... wants his cake and eat it too... basically hes 'mentally' already moved on or at least realized you arent the one.


You dont have OPTIONS when it comes to a several year relationship. You have options when it comes to ordering pizza, or chicken wings for dinner. Not wether or not you will stay with your girlfriend, or set your girlfriend aside while you work on a new girl.


Tell him you are glad he has found some new options, and that you would like to make his life easier by making it easier to make a descision.... you are no longer one of his options.


no respect, no trust = no relationship

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