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Guys: what's the biggest turn off???

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I can't really think of anything that's a complete dealbreaker... sure, things will keep me from liking someone at first, but anything is possible.


But as far as attraction goes, the following are definitely turn-offs, probably in order:


excessive weight, anorexia, smoking, excessive zits, 6'0+ (I'm only 5'9 but some 5'9-5'10 girls can carry themselves really good), REALLY bad teeth, really dirty hair, unsightly tattoos (there's only a few places a tattoo looks good), text message obsessions, being TOO popular, goth clothing, old women glasses, noserings...


Mostly it's just body composition. There's nothing worse in the world in seeing a pasty white obese woman try to squeeze into skinny jeans and short sleeved/sleeveless strap shirts.

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Bad teeth, hary, overweight, underweight, overly zitty face, bad body oder. Oh ya... if they are smoking or doing drugs, thats a major turn off. Those are just the physical turn offs though. I could go alot deeper into the personality turn offs, but you didn't ask for it.


Smoking and drugs is one a have to agree with for sure....as well as the usual really overweight/underweight, really messed up teeth, hairy like hell though this isnt so common now a days, besides that most ppl are date-able.

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to all the girls that will probably chew me up after i say this.. ill explain. overweight is something i have a hard time tolerating and i understand how many guys cant tolerate it. my reason is that, well im in high school and i wrestle so im used to constantly dieting and trying to keep my weight as low as possible, having nearly no body fat, etc. so yes there is my bias. physical turn offs: overweight and excessive body hair (more than me).. heh i guess im not too picky, i think alot of girls are good looking

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Just a girls view- but I don't think guys should be put off by girls weight. There maybe many different reasons for her being a particular size. I am quite broad and in many respects considered "overweight" but I did weight lifting since I was 11 yrs old, and swam 7 times per week so my body developed differently from a lot of "normal" girls. My personality however is very strong and it is the best aspect of me. I may not be the best looking person, but looking good is not everything.




Rest assured. There are many, many men who find muscular athletic women very attractive. I am one of those. You have nothing to worry about. Strong and capable is sexy!

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I'm actually amazed how picky most of the guys on here are, I don't think I could list more than 5 or 6 turn offs, even if I tried. Actually makes me feel better about my own standards... in the past I worried that even expecting a girl I was attracted too was too picky for my own good. But compared to a lot of guys who answered here I'm pretty easy. I agree with jurupa... while I have physical standards I'm not expecting a stunner.


I am equally surprised. I don't think I'll manage 5 or 6 turn-offs


1) Being overfat and the slovenly implications that come with it.


2) Smoking, only because it would effect our time together and would make me not want to be close to her.


3) Children. I am not interested in having them so in good consience I don't have a reason to want to date a woman with kids.


4) Nothing else specific really comes to mind, but to generalize I'd say number 4 would be anything else like children that would signal a major incompatibility for me.


I tend to see the good in people and specifically I see very clearly that most things turn me on about women. It is gonig against my natural grain of thought to come up with turn offs.




I am a problem solver like many men are. When I notice something I don't like about a woman, like a major case of halitosis for instance, I think of how to help her and make her breath sweet for example. Knowing all I know about human metabolism and bodybuilding however, I might not want to tackle a serious issue of being overfat. It would be a lot easier to find a woman who was at a normal healthy weight. I may not be good at reading any signal from a woman, but I can tell a natural ectomorph or mesomorph when I get to know her.

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Well darn RD, I'm your 1-20, I guess I'm outta the question! ha ha



In no particular order and mostly habits rather than attributes:


1. Handing me their spent chewing gum for disposal

2. Chewing gum

3. Eating while on the phone

4. Writing on the back of their hand

5. Obesity

6. Big knickers

7. Stale perfume

8. Smelly bits

9. Strap marks/bra straps showing outside clothing.

10. Smoking at the reception, still in their wedding gown

11. Laughing like a donkey

12. Swearing at their kids

13. Not doing the maths on their age when replying to my online-dating profile

14. Wanting me to love them then running a mile when I do.

15. Squeezing their spots.

16. Denying they just farted.

17. Farting.

18. Leaving the toilet seat down.

19. Making me sleep in the wet patch.

20. Taking them to Maui and they say "I would love to go to Mexico"

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Oh god, here we go, pickiest guy in the world here! nah i'm just kiddin.


I've never had a girlfriend, and some of these reasons are why, and I'm glad that the opportunities I had, were opportunities not taken.


So...here is my list.


- OBESITY! I understand that there are medical conditions such as diabete's that can cause obesity (fat, overweight) in women and men, but I doubt that 80% of today's population have even one of those medical conditions, and also seeing alot of success stories for people who actually get off their butts to do something about their weight, I realise that those people with those disease and medical conditions don't HAVE to be fat at all, it's usually "I have a medical condition which means I am always going to be fat no matter what I do"...but that's a load of garbage, just like the stuff they eat, don't consider this point as being harsh or a rash judgement, but consider it as a fact, because it is fact, obesity can be fixed, but too many people can't be bothered to even try and fix it, some people even like being fat

Anyway, as you can tell, I don't like obese women unless they have a pretty face and are willing to do something about their weight, because even if someone is fat, and they have the most gorgeous looking face, a beautiful personality and all of that, I know that somewhere underneath all that fat is a potential amazing beautiful natural body, and if that woman is willing to put in the effort to get that body, then I'm willing to help.


- Smokers...hell, nobody wants to smell the smell of someones rotten lunges, it's gross! When I was in school, I could hardly breathe in class! Especially when someone sat near me that had just finished smoking...uuuurgh, what a turn off, and what a way to knock someone unconscious.


- Heavy drinkers...having a mother that was and alcoholic and now is a recovering alcoholic, and doing very well at it, I've seen the worst of alcohol, most would argue that alcohols downside are things that cause people to do things against the law, but alcohol can very easily destroy families and change young people's lives forever, also having seen the amount of people who drink alcohol alot, I notice that they tend to be alot SLOWER than most, due to those dead brain cells, they also lack in any principle and self discipline along with many other things.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think drinking is necessarily a bad thing, but I don't find a woman who drows away sorrows, or goes out all the time (party animal), just to get off her face, and god knows what else is very attractive.


- Goths! no way will I ever be attracted to someone who wears black and thinks that satan is their god or whatever the heck it is they do. Most just wear gothic clothing (black, with purples and black mackup) but it doesnt mean they are sad lonely misunderstood people..most do it just because they like black. In any case, I don't like either, I think they are both turn offs...I don't mind people who wear black, because lots of people do, but I find it a turnoff for women to wear black trenchcoats with cords draping down everywhere, with purple streaks in the hair and black eye shadow....it just isn't someone I'd like to be seen walking around with. And yes I do mean that in a selfish way


- Barby girls! ...YICK! women who pile on mackup is a big no no for me, I don't mind women who know how to put makeup on and know how to look hot, without overdoing it. I could go on and on about this, but, I think you all understand the meaning of artificial girls or barby girls....they just don't look natural, they look like * * * * * * and call girls.


- Druggies for very obvious reasons that don't need to be explained.


- Negative women...I really do not want a girlfriend who whinges to me every chance she can get about something so damn simple, sure, we all have our moments when things arent going right, but when I say "negative women" I mean women who can't think of anybody but themselves, people who get worked up over the tinniest of things like "omg I'm a kg overweight, it's the end of the world", and people who cannot say anything positive ever...positivity is contageous, so is negativity, and I'd much rather be around a happy cheerful woman, someone with a positive outlook on life. I'm sure many could agree.

I'll just note again that, this doesnt mean, I don't like women who sometimes think that way, because it's only natural that we think of negative things, however it is a decision and choice of lifestyle to think of them all the time.


- Bit on the nose well, I'm a martial artist, and there are women who do classes aswell, so naturally we all get nice and sweaty, but that's different, that's good sweat, what I hate or get turned off by are women who just don't wear that nice (not overly strong) perfume or whatever it is you women put on that makes you smell nice, women who just smell, because they don't have hygeine is what I'm talking about, this means:

- bad breath

- Stinky arm pits

- Stinky other bits down low (which I havent yet experienced, and hope not to experience, but most probably will, and will ignore anyway)


and generally every other smelly thing you can think of.


- Farting...now this one is a little tricky, because nobody really likes when someone silently lets one rip and then you walk past them and you almost choke and die, but, we also all know that farting can be considered as humorous, farting is natural, I don't care how many women deny that they fart, we all know that it is just natural normal bodily function, sometimes it can't be helped, others we do it deliberately for the laughs.

The kindof farting that i'm talking of though, is excessive farting, either deliberately or not so deliberately....farting once is fine, but doing it over and over again is almost like standing outside of someones toilet cubical when they've just eaten some really hot spicey mexican food and took some sort of laxitive afterwards....it's not the most pleasent thing to experience.

I find that sometimes when doing martial arts, a girl will fart...when we are paired up or something like that, and she runs past me while we do laps of the training hall, it's like this nuclear wind blowing straight up my nostrils and straight to my brain...it makes me want to throw up, however, if I have just finished having sex with a woman or I'm lying down with her or sitting down watching a movie with her, and she lets one rip, it can be something that can be joked about, and can be the trigger of a short or possibly lengthy amount of fun. What I mean is if she farts when in bed, you give her a funny look, with a sly grin on your face as if to say "you didn't did you, you stinky little devil, I've got plans for you", then when she smiles back or tries hard to not smile, you pull the blankets over her head and hold them down so she can't come up for fresh air....and even if you let one rip, you can do the same, only put the blame on her.

Anyway enough of that.


- A get around...women who quite obviously hang themselves off every man in sight, a woman with a reputation of being a get around, someone who just F***s around like it was an every day thing....it's a HUGE turnoff, I know about women exploring their sexuality and all, but when it gets to the point that a woman pretty much screws everything in sight...well...that's just too far.


- Wallet bugs..or whatever you would call those women who only want money money money...of course, a woman is never going to say to you that she just wants you for your money, but if I was rich, and suddenly every girl that once was never interested in me, became interested in me, I think it would be pretty darn clear what they want, and that is just pathetic.


- Swearing, abusive language, and talking like a redneck

Ok, so you're probably thinking about that last one....the swearing is quite clear, and swearing is a part of abusive language, but abusive language also includes other things like saying people are ugly or saying such and such is a cow or a b**** ..etc etc. But people do swear, and people to whine about other people...what makes these unnatractive you may ask? It's the way they say them, what manner they say them in, where they say them, when, etc etc...all those factors plus more if you can think of any...basically, in australia, I'm not racist, but it is more common that aboriginies speak in this way that just sounds...disgusting, it sounds disgraceful, I'm not saying that aboriginals are the only ones who do this though, I see more caucasion women speaking like this than aboriginal women, and it's gross, just pathetic.

Well, these girls usually hang out with aboriginals, OR, they just have a b*tchy attitude, and have adopted the speech and language from how others have treated them... more than likely, these girls smoke and drink alot aswell, possibly take drugs, so there is the added croaky voice and that sickening cough every few minutes or seconds to boot.

Couple the way they speak, with what they say, and you've got the ultimate turnoff, I don't want a b*tchy woman, I don't even want one as a friend, I don't even want to hear one, or be around one that is like that.

So yeah..that is a big turn off that I see all too often.


- Too picky I don't like this food, I don't like that food, whats that green thing in my spaghetti "It's herbs " why arent these carrots cooked properly, they are too hard/soft. Ok, I admit, I don't like alot of foods, but I certainly won't complain that I don't like them, I will just say "nah, I've never liked this or that food" or "I usually can't stomach this food" or "whenever I eat this food, I find it hard to breathe (chips with potato in them)"... basically, I can say I don't like a food, and give a good reason, that's not being picky, that's simple saying why you don't or can't eat a certain food, I either don't like the taste or I find it hard to eat...simple as that, but if I start saying "chips are too fatty" or "I don't like this food because It's got herbs on it" or "I don't like this food, because it smells funny", I find that to be a bit of a turnoff. And this doesnt only relate to food aswell, I'm also talking about every other thing in life, like "does this bra make my breasts look too big" or "I should lose some weight so I can fit these pants, they only come in this size" (and yet the girl is as skinny as a twig)..

I think you know what i'm talking about. It's no huge turnoff, but it's certainly annoying.


- Selfishness This is pretty self explanetory, they want everything FOR THEMSELVES, the never care about how you feel or what you think, they just want everything their way...which can almost fit into the category of b*tchiness


- Women who don't look after themselves.

Ok, this sounds like something I said before about weight, etc, it is, but it isn't, it's more of an ellaboration in a way.

Ok, it's self explanetory, this isn't about appearance though, this isn't about hygeine, this is about lifestyle. If I went on a date with a woman, and I went back to her place, and her house was a mess, I'd be inclined to think that she was a lazy slob, now this isn't always the case, I do understand that many women work full time office jobs (very draining), they come home late at night and have only enough energy to sit down, watch some tv and fall asleep, fair enough, but i'm talking about those same women who, when they have the spare time to clean up, they don't, they take it as time to take a break, and relax..that's ok, I'm not saying women should be workaholics, but a woman who can't even wash glasses and dishes is pretty much a slob, It takes a few minutes every 2 or 3 days to do the washing up, it takes my family (4 people, mum, dad , my bro, and myself) 15 minutes to wash up (IF THAT) with 4 days worth of stuff to wash up, from 4 family members.

And yet some people can't even clean up a few glasses and dishes after 2 days of their ownselves, meaning 1 person in the house, not a whole family.

This isn't something I would notice straight away, but If I was dating a woman, I came back to her house, only to find it messy everytime we finished a date or whenever I went to her house, I'd start to notice, and heck, I'd probably tell her to clean up together, to make the place cleaner again, however if I did that, and came back later on, only to find the house getting messier again, I'd probably have something to say to her about it.

And it would also be an indication that she doesnt really want to try and impress me or anything, if I woman was coming to my apartment (if I was in one, moved out of home) and it was messy, I'd clean it up right away, not only is it common courtesy, but it's a part of hygeine and a healthy lifestyle.


- BOOORING, no i'm not talking about a shy girl who doesnt know what to talk about on a date, no i'm not talking about someone who doesnt have many interesting things in life to talk about, I'm talking about a woman who doesnt even make an effort to try and be interesting, really, if I went out with a shy girl, and she wasnt very talkative, she was trying to have good conversation, but was just as bad as me at having it, I would probably have a much better time than If I was with someone who just didn't bother making an effort to maintain any conversation, someone who relied on me to keep it flowing...that's stressful to have a woman rely on you to maintain conversation, and dates shouldnt be stressful, they should be fun, so that is definitely a turn off, it also comes accross as the woman being stuck up, a snob or a b*tch.


- Love themselves

Pretty much women who stand infront of mirrors for hours making sure their lipstick is perfect, their hair has absolutely no frizzy bits, their eye lashes are all curled evenly, their makeup is just perfect, all just so that they can go for a walk down to the shop to get some groceries...

Sure, I think it's great if a woman takes the time to try and impress their date or try to look beautiful and attractive without rushing the job and looking like a barbie doll, I think it would be rather flattering if a woman did that just to impress me on a first date or something, and I'd most certainly compliment her on it, because women don't try to look good for no reason, but doing the makeup and all of that just to do a casual thing, or doing it on her average day, every single day is just silly, and they usually come accross as tarts, often can be selfish, and...well you know the other categories they fit into...I just find this to be very unnattractive if a woman thinks they are all that, ALL THE TIME.


- Super Skinny girls Most guys actually say they like skinny girls..sure, it's alright, but more than often, I see women at the beach or in pools and stuff, who don't have a single bit of meat on their bones, and to me, this can come accross as unhealthy, not looking after themselves, or trying to be someone they are not (models in magazines, etc), Skinny girls fit into the category of the obese girls, they both can be unnattractive, and they both can be cause by diseases...they can also both be fixed.

I tend to be turned off by women who look like a bag of bones, I like athletic women, I don't mean women who look like men (big broad shoulders, deep kindof voice and tall) but I mean women who generally look like they are in shape, they are healthy and fit, usually soccer players fit into this category, and martial artists do aswell. The skinniness thing can also mean things like bolemic and anorexic (I hope I spelt that right, because I'm having a shocker with my vocabulary and grammer while i've been writing this) which are gross and unhealthy things, that unfortunately too many teenagers do, due to those magazines with models in them and stuff.


- Religion ok, for me, when someone mentions they are religious, it usually means that they have a set of really stupid rules and they love some sort of god...before I go on, I'd like to say that alot of people who are religious, only believe in god, which is fine, I respect that, and that the people I am talking about are people who have a set of stupid ridiculous rules that their church teach them to follow.

I'll go on now.

In the past, I had liked a girl who was a christian, and still is one, and well, she is one of those christians with all of those rules and boundaries that limits ones life to something more linear (straight line..or being guided along a path), these rules were what stood between her and I.

She showed alot of signs of affection, she showed signs that she liked me, and eventually I liked her, but what stood between us were rules...first one was something to do with "christians can only date other christians"...!!! what the!? she also believed in finding "the one" and she also believed in things like sex after marriage...I have no idea what else she follows, but that was enough for me. Firstly, how is a person meant to FIND "the one", it's a fairytale world they live in, and usually THE ONE, is the first guy they fall for, finding THE ONE, is like finding god...it won't just come to you like in all of those movies, you have to explore, you have to search for the one, you have to experiment, in other words, give guys a chance...but no...she was so caught up by the rules, that she didn't even want to go on a friendly date with me, and her friends didn't approve of it either, it was like I was some sortof outcast, it was like i'd done something really bad, like I was the enemy so to speak...I hadnt done anything wrong, it was just the fact that her friends didn't want her breaking the rules, and she didn't want to disappoint her friends, and her church, and she didn't want to ...do a sin, which would apparently lose the love of god or something...I could go on, but I'm sure you can see why I object to this sortof thing.

Like I said, I don't mind if someone believes in god, but if they adopt that religion into their daily lives, and make it a lifestyle, then that is a huge turnoff, as I don't want to have to pray before eating meat, or I don't want to go to church every 2 days to listen to the same thing each of those days, I don't want to have to learn about god and christianity, because she wants me to...I don't believe in god, simple as that, I don't need to force myself to live a life full of stupid time wasting rules (While I say prayers at the dinner table, the food gets colder, while I go to church to pray to a statue, It compares to kneeling down at a brick wall and praying to it, or praying to my tv or a computer speaker or a lamp or a car, or whatever else, it's a useless time wasting thing, the only thing I can see church as being, is a social time...which I can do everywhere else...

Anyway, enough of me bashing that, I don't mean to sound like a nasty whiney slob, I just don't find christianity to be much of a good thing, because I am constantly reminded of all those lifestyle changes and those horrored rules that can very easily destroy a relationship.


It's taken me a while to write this, as I've had dinner in between, I've watched a bit of TV in between aswell, but...yeah, I'm sure you're already sick of reading, but there are many more things that are turn offs for me, I just can't be bothered going on about them, and yeah...you're sick of reading, so...thats that!

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1. Bad teeth.

2. Bad hygien.

3. Bald women (in most cases).

4. Women who weighs like (not in all cases!) less than 80 pounds or more than 250.

5. Women 'bullies' or whatever you should call the partially outer good looking ones but freak-show ugly on the inside.



But the MAJOR turn-off of all time is: The big turn-off personified - Paris Hilton!




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  • 2 weeks later...

Beauty is in the eye of beholder.


What some may find attractive may repel others. Just like with food. I guess the biggest turn off for me is bad personality (stuckups, excessive cockiness, Paris Hilton-likes) because that's one thing that cannot be changed. Others, well physically anything can be done to a body nowadays. Being overwheight isn't an issue anymore as long as one who's overwheight has the will power to fight it.

Of course I have a mental picture of a "perfect" girl I want but I don't get turned off by too many things unless a girl is mentally unstable or has some personality issues.

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