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I'm breaking down, with him, then him, then him...

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I guess I should start from the beginning, but the beginning is a long time ago. Two years ago I started going out with a guy called Josh. We were happy for a while, until things started to go wrong, he was possessive, immature and slept all day, was up all night. We ended, and I was single for about a year. Then I met a guy called Rob. We were also happy for a while, but then I made the terrible, stupid mistake of staying round Josh's house, and sleeping with him. Before I go any further, I do not in any way condone cheating, and I don't know what's wrong with me at the moment, but yes, I cheated. I told him, and broke up with him the next day, as I realised the relationship wasn't right anyway. I went back to Josh. I rushed into a relationship with Josh, when I wasn't ready for it, and slowly I started to see that he hadn't matured, he was still possessive etc etc. I am working this summer at a car repair centre, in order to go on a holiday with Josh in two weeks time. However, whilst there, I met someone, Dan. Someone who blows me away completely, someone I want. I someone I, STUPIDLY, cheated on Josh with this week. I have no idea why I keep doing this, I've been cheated on and it hurts like crazy, I feel so guilty and stupid. But now I'm confused. I want to be with Josh, but he doesn't turn me on, I don't want to be intimate with him so maybe it would be better off being friends. I want to be with Dan so much, but I don't want to hurt Josh. I want to go to Rome with Josh as friends, something that would be feasible, but I don't know if he would want to.

I'm talking to Josh in about 45 minutes, I really need some quick advice and help.

I know what I've done is wrong, I am feeling so confused and basically like a complete at the moment, I just need some advice.


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Dig up?


I'm not sure what's up with you, or why you're doing this, but in relation to the conversation you're about to have... well... Honesty is the best policy? Lieing with just make the hole you're in a pit, and it'll be harder to get out of.

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You need to stay away from men right now: no Rob, Josh, Dan, or any man for you. Cheating is just going to hurt you and the others involved, and it's not right. If you were to be with Dan, you would cheat on him too, because you just don't want to settle down with one man. Instead of hopping from 1 bed to the next, how about instead figuring out what you really want in a man, instead of deciding who pleases you more in bed. Just my 2 cents.

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I think I agree with Rose. Sounds like you keep running back and forth between a couple of guys, meanwhile none of them is someone you'd commit to. That is no big deal, you're 17 and it's normal to want to see more guys. If you can't stay committed, maybe it's best to not be intimate with them? And just stay friends and see if things go further than that?



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I would definitely not stress out that u r a bad person, however, since u r so young I would try not having sex with so many different men. What you may be experiencing is a desire to "be with them" but have no capability to commit since ur young, but you have been told sex is supposed to be with someone u r in a relationship with, hence why you may be torn. It is natural to feel desire, but you must try to control yourself until you are old enough and truly "connect" with someone. You havent had time to even find out who you are yet, let alone what someone else wants. If you must, Please protect yourself #1, and #2 dont commit until you're 100% positive he is the "one", regardless of what society may label you as, because life is TOO short to be with the wrong man for the rest of your life! And I dont subscribe to once a cheater, always a cheater, because once I found the man of my dreams (we're married) I never cheated again, nor will I ever cheat again. (I had in the past with other b/f's) I hope my advice helps, and I wish you the best!

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