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Do I have a right to be mad?

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Ok, my boyfriend, let's call him Nathan, was supposed to come over tomorrow and go to a concert with me. I payed for his ticket. Anyway he calls me today and says his car is acting funny, and he don't know if he'll be able to make it. I don't really care about that cuz I can have a ride to go get him. Well he sounds hesitent about that idea, even though it could of been just me so i asked him if he even wants to see me at all and to tell me the truth, and he said yea its just he cant help that his car is messed up. So he said he'd call tomorrow and tell me what's going on. He said hed call me when he wakes up which is usually 1 o clock. Now if he calls me then I won't have time to pick him up in time for the concert (he lives an hour away). So if I call him in the morning first , and he still says no or says hes gonan work on his car today instead, she i be angry? I mean that's 35$ I wasted and he has most of the day Sunday to fix his car because I'm gonna take him home early. I don't know if I shoudl be mad at him or not. I know he can't help his car sucks (it's really old an dhas alot of miles and always breaks down) but I'm offering him a free ride, a place to stay, and a free concert, and he can see me (which I don't think he gets excited about as I do but it could jsut be me he's not too emotional) just wondering If I had a right to be mad if he bails on me....I don't want to be a mean girlfriend or something,, jsut looking for opinions here..

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It isn't his fault that it broke down and I see that you understand that. However, he DOES have time to fix his car after the concert so he should go. If he doesn't go I would say you have every right to be angry with him. Tell him how you feel before it happens though. Let him know that you wanted to be nice and pay for a concert and the least he could do is go. It would be rude if he didn't.

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You're being extremely generous here. The thing that concerns me is "I'll call you when I wake up"... I dunno seems to me like you went through alot of effort to arrange this, and it seems he's taking it lightly.

In that sense, I would be (a bit) ticked off. 8)


I hope things work out for the concert!

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Well I'm kinda used to him telling me "When he wakes up" because he usually never has times set and plays it by ear..It's always I'll leave to come get you when I wake up , or I'll call you when I get up, or I'll do this or that when I get up. Haha, os that doesn't concern me, the only concern with him is he usually wakes up at 1 in the afternoon because he works till 1230 tonight, and stays up later than that and sleeps in. But still your right, he shoudl set his alarm or somehting...

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