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Hi all,


I used to come on here while I was hurting. I won't rehash my situation, but I loved this woman for three years and tried the friend thing and got smart and did NC. It hurt really bad for a while, but now I no longer miss her and am no longer sad. I still have love in my heart for her, but that is all. We talk occasionally and it is all cool. Once you go NC, you get your self respect back and can begin to heal. Sure I will always have love for this woman in my heart, but I just have good memories and wish her the best. I started dating a woman about six months ago that everyone said was not interested in me. Well, we are still having our casual and sexual relationship and it is all good. She tried playing the old " maybe we should stop seeing each other" and I said fine, no problem. I have learned from my mistakes and will never chase a woman again. I will pursue a woman and show her love and affection, but I will not be played. This woman came back to me so fast and I am seeing the games. I don't like them, but I just don't play them. So, I am saying that if you are hurting, it will get better no matter what! It is a guarantee just as if you diet and exercise you will lose weight or have a better body. Wheather you are a man or woman, be nice and respectful and caring, but do not let anyone manipulate you. If someone threatens to leave you, then let them go and see if they keep going.

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I went NC for about four months and had some limited contact. She is engaged and a few e-mails back she said we should not talk out of respect for her guy. I said no problem, but I thought that was lame. She agreed and since then have e-mailed about once a month. I would say we are friends and she has been really sweet, but I am not trying to get her back and she does not want me back. lol It is nice to talk to an old friend once you get over the emotional rollercoaster. It does get better, but makes you a lot more apprehensive in your next relationship. I have been dating a woman for about six months casually because that is all she wanted and it has worked for me. She seems to be wanting to turn the corner and get serious, but I would not even consider it because she has not invested any time with me. If that changes, then who knows? At this time I am just having fun and enjoying her company and the sex that comes with it.

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