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30 days without sex

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me and my boyfriend recently made a pact to see if we can go 30 days without having sex or masterbation... it was my idea and he agreed to ty it..

unfortunitly now that i made it i dont know what i was thinking..

but i am willing to try to actually go through with this..

so i was wondering what i can do to keep my mind off of it..

with or without him around me?

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One of the fastest ways I know to kill sexual appetite is to read the bible, or go to church... But I guess the easiest way would be to channel the pent up energy into something else, exercise might be an idea.


And for the love of god, don't think of it as "Forbidden" or anything like that, you'll just find it all the more tempting... =P

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Why do you want him to know you can't go without sex?


There's nothing wrong with sex... why not just spend the next few times you are together being intimate - kissing, cuddling... holding each other.


Actually it would be interesting if you could keep a diary about that kind of thing, you will slowly go insane hehe!


Man I don't think I could go a day doing that...


Good luck!



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I think your boyfriend has watched too much Seinfeld (I seem to recall an episode like this). That was a TV program, this is real life. I am not quite sure what this is trying to prove but it really is some kind of game which has no place in a healthy relationship. I would tell him you are not interested in playing this kind of childish game. If you are in a healthy relationship, there is nothing wrong with wanting sex. Relationship or no relationship, there is nothing wrong with masturbating. To make a pact not to have it for 30 days just to prove whatever, is ridiculous.

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I'm openminded to some extent, but I agree with Crazyaboutdogs. It does seem a little stupid.


Due to a family holiday then two parties two consecutive nights after I get back, I won't be able to see my boyfriend for 10 days. Bearing in mind we normally have sex 6+ times a week at the moment, it's going to be a bit of a killer...why bring it on yourself??

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There's nothing wrong with playing a little game like this, and for those who think its stupid to play it....just imagine the amazing sex they'll have when its over.


Actually I saw this in a movie; "40 Days And 40 Nights" I believe was the title. It was a really good movie and I don't think I could make it. Why be so addicted to sex that you think you can't live without it? Have fun with life; play games, compete. There's nothing wrong with a little competition from time to time.


Good luck holding out!

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There's nothing wrong with playing a little game like this, and for those who think its stupid to play it....just imagine the amazing sex they'll have when its over.


Actually I saw this in a movie; "40 Days And 40 Nights" I believe was the title. It was a really good movie and I don't think I could make it. Why be so addicted to sex that you think you can't live without it? Have fun with life; play games, compete. There's nothing wrong with a little competition from time to time.


Good luck holding out!



Thank you...


yea i actually kinda got that idea form that movie.

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