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Ex tells me she doesnt know if she really loved me =[

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idk if it was out of anger.

we started talking about her bf and how her and her friends wer going to tahoe to spend the night there no parents. and i was of course sad about that cos i KNEW they would def do things but of course i acted like it was cool "awsome!" i said she said she was really excited about it. we started talking and we got into a convo about me and this girl.i told her that i liked her. "see i told u u wouldnt love me anymore...hahah...." was her first reply.then i told her i went all the way with her. "ew are u serious" was her reply. then she changed the convo and asked me if i thought her bf was cute. i told her idk i dont look at him "oh ok well my friend says no. do u think i should have sex with him" that hurt me a lot i told her "do you love him" and she said "no i just met him 3 weeks ago but i like him A LOT and he wouldnt use me" and i told her shes not that type of girl (and shes not! she wants to wait till marriage but idk whats wrong with her) her reply was "Well why not u had sex with that girl whats the diff" i told her there was a diff haha i said thas sticking objects in someone haha "she said well im not gunna have sex unless i love him and we did more then make out i lied" (she told me all she did was just make out so of course i asked) "we were on his bed and he took my shirt off and he has a really niice stomach he shaves its hott and he fingered me" i broke down and just cried all night then i said "cool did u really love me" and she said idk anymore and if i did i dont anymore. my heart hurt soo much right when i read that iv never felt so much pain. so i sent her a txt saying thank you for telling me that and that i loved her and that i hope she finds love bc its so wonderful and that she was worth all of this pain. and she never replied to the txt.


im soo hurt noww i want to get over her i pray to find someone to help me get through this its so hard for me. i truly love her and would do anything for her. i just wish i could hold her one more time. =[

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You're making the same mistakes I made, I tried to keep the contact going, it was afterall the only thing I had left and I wanted to keep it as long as I could.


You're going to have to make the difficult choice and reduce your contact with this girl. Believe me the last thing you should be doing is talking to her about her new boyfriend and their sex life. Nothing good can come of it, it'll just fill your head with images and thoughts that will cause even more pain.


I see my ex every day, I have no choice. We keep it civil but no way in hell do I want to know about his new BF and what they get up to together. I'm having a hard enough time putting my life back on track without making it any harder on myself. You've got to do the same.


A good place to start would be to stop the texting, if you think about the last text you sent..........what answer could she have given that would make you feel any better, none I bet. Infact anything she said would no doubt have made you feel worse so you have to ask yourself why you bother to do it in the first place.


If you find yourself in social situations with her keep it light, don't get into anything too personal. If she asks about your private life just say things are fine and leave it at that. If she tries to talk about her personal life keep your answers short and closed, make your excuses and leave.


I swear the less you see her the better you'll eventually feel. I use to obsess about what my ex was doing, now I don't care.


He doesn't love me..........fine.........I'll find someone who does.


*Great big cyber hug*

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What to Do?

hun Im really sorry this is happen to you Ive read almost all your post you made and you seem like such a sweet heart, you dont deserve this treatment there are so much better people out there and she is an * * * to you, dont take that * * * *! you deserve the best...

of corse people have there hearts broke but you have to be the strong one and stand up and wipe away your tears.

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thank u that means a lot =]

i just love her so much

and like now

iv talked to her 3 nights in a row or 2 nights

and we talked like friends

im just trying to show her im idk i can still make her laugh and all that

and of course im thinking maybe she will come back

i sent her a txt everynight after we talk saying i hopeu had a good day...or along hte lines of that

and tell her sweet dreams.


i just dont know if ill find anyone out ther

i even told her that i liked this girl just so she would think i moved on


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