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hey everyone. ive bin seein this guy 4 like 5weeks now, called Kevin and i met him on holiday in Corfu. (which is where i woz 5weeks ago when he asked me out). He lives in Doncaster n i live in Stafford which is like 2 and a 1/2hours away from each other (in England). When people ask me if im seeing anyone, obviously i say yes, but then they ask me where he lives and they tell me im stupid, because its a distance relationship. Im crazy about Kev and ive never felt like this way about anyone before n i dont wana loose him. He's so kind 2me and he would never do nethin 2hurt my feelings because i know hes not that type of guy, (and plus i know his family 2, and they have said exactly the same thing, so i know he wouldnt cheat on me, like i'd never cheat on him). Its just that, when people tell me im crazy n this relationship will never work, i dont know what 2think and my mind goes totally blank at that point. Although i know i want this 2work n i pretty sure that he could be the one for me, we try 2c eachother whenever we can, and we keep in touch everyday on our phones. but is that enough? id like 2think it is, and so would he. But can someone please help me, and tell me if im doing the right thing or should i listen 2what other people are saying 2me? please help me cuz this is wrecking my brains!! thnk u x x = )

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I say go for it! If you don't try it you may regret it later...right? Why miss out on a great relationship just b/c of a little distance. My bf of just a few days (LOL) is 2 hours away. I trust him b/c he really cares about me and vice versa. If you two have real feelings for each other it will work out! Have fun and enjoy...don't worry about others trying to put fear in your mind.

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sure some of these distant relashionships dont work but hey its not like when your in the same city or 5 mins away from the person it goes picture perfact either does it? i dont think so. it looks to me like you want to be with him so why mess that up cause some people dont think it will last, and hey if it doesnt at least you can say you had that experience, Right? and if it does you can look back and say" i told you it would work"dont let any one talk you out of love!

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I would most definitely agree, go for it! I've had a number of good long distance relationships because of my own situation. I was actually engaged to a girl that I only saw on weekends, we were together for around two years. I wouldn't be put off just because he's not local, or because other people are sceptics that it can work. If you have good feelings for each other then go with it. Obviously exercise the same caution you would with a local relationship, take your time, take it steady and see how things go. Distance doesn't determine if a relationship works or doesn't, the people do


Good luck hun!

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yeh i shouldnt care wot people say 2me cuz ill never let anyone talk me out of love..especially not 2kev!! thank you everyone who has just read that and put a reply 2it..cuz that definatley put a smile on my face..cuz u all sed pretty much the same thing.. n i suppose u all right!!so now lets just see wot happens thnx agen x x = )

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First off, are you sexually active with this lovely young chap? If not, become so with another, its not cheating, its surviving. Secondly, if you think promiscuous actions such as the above are sinful, I've got five on the fact that your "Kev" is sinful himself . My advice to you: go out get sloshed and do as much snogging with some cute boys sausage as possible.

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Hey me and my boyfriend have a distance relationship and we've been dating a year and a half. It's hard at times because I want to be selfish and see him everyday but I can't , I usually just see him weekends and holidays, he only lives an hour from me though. I would jsut tell people that you two love each other and trust each other adn it shouldn't matter if he lives 100 miles away or next door. People usually say long distance relationships don't work but that's not true, it all depends on the people. Hope i helped

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hello, i am in the same postion as u except i used to live in germany by my bf and now live in ny its a 11 hr plane ride and cost like 800 bucks so we barly get to see each other ! if u want to tlak to me more i would like if u messsage me at lover_girl_15_2003@hotmail or email removed ok? i hope it works out 4 u! i believe in them so dont care what other people say cause they r missing out on a godd thing, they dont get that special feeling when uve been away from each other for a couple months and the look on each other faces when u get to see each other again!

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