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it is hard to talk to my parents about things

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hey my name is amy i am almost 17 years old i live with my parents i would love to talk to my parents about things that r bothering me but i don't know how and when i do talk about thinks to them i feel like they r not listening to me or if i know they r i feel kinda embaressed what do i do

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Having a friendship with your parents can make things a lot easier. You have to hang out with them sometimes and have a friend to friend relationship not a parent to daughter relationship. Go shopping together, watch movies...it'll be easier to talk about your problems with them if you feel you have a connection with them. It's just like any other person but they're related to you. My mom knows almost everything about me and we're best of friends. I love having that kind of relationship with her. I've found that I can confide in her much easier after becoming friends. If you get closer to your parents and get to know them it will be a lot easier to talk about the hard issues.

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I think that the above advice is very good.


I also think that parents tend to get stressed out with work and everything it take to run a family. I don't think they may reolize that there not stopping and looking at you when your talking to them, mom may be cleaning up after dinner and dad may be watching tv. Thats how it was at my house alot but when it came to my parents I've always had a big moulth and would just say "you need to stop what your doing I need to talk, I'm more emportant then the tv or dishes. and the would just lol and stop what they where doing. If you don't feel comfortable with this just sit down and start by asking your parents how there day was (this will get there attention) they will reolize that you want to have a better relationship with them and that you care also.



Hope that this helps you Mrs. Thug

Just keep things will get better.

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I think it's normal to see your parents as the PARENT rather as the FRIEND too. I went through that period - I was trying to rebel, yet strangely also in need of them in my life.


It takes time to see your parents as equals. You go through your entire life of seeing them as the role model, as the figure, authority head...something will eventually click and they can also be your friend. For me, it took me going away for college to really appreciate my parents for the people they were, along with their role in my life.


You need to know that they love you and no matter what, they'll support you. You'll bump heads from time to time. You'll also feel that they don't understand you -- but they do. It doesn't take much...give them a hug, tell them you love them - and walk away. No expectations from them. If you need to talk...want to talk to them...set up some time. My brother actually "set a date" with my parents once. Asked them out to dinner (so it's a nuetral territory rather than in their house) to have a serious discussion with them.


I say be honest..even though it requires some nerves and swallowing of the ego..."Hey, do you have time for me...I need to talk to you."


Good luck.

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