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Why do they bother and not respect our wishes?

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I'm just here to vent. Some may know my story so I won't spare you the details.


I've been doing NC for a while... 3 or 4 wks. She txt msg a week ago about how she misses. I didn't respond. The past Monday, she emails me:





How are you? I feel I need to say HI evethough its wrong of ME. I had to seriously hold myself back from not calling u last night…..sigh…it's the hardest thing not talking to u L How was NYC? I hope you enjoyed it – looks like u did.





I ignored the email. Then today she IM's me



J: ur bringin sexy back?! ;-)

Auto response from me: busy...

J: woohoo

J: i dont think u need to bring it back, u already are silly.


Didn't respond cuz I was in a meeting and she IM's me again


J: howz the heat treating u?

J: at least u have a pool...



I then blocked her IM.



What's up with her? Can't she respect my space? I told her numerous time to stop txting, emailing, and IMing me.


I forgot to block her on my sidekick.




If she contacts me again, i'm give it to her...


No more Mr. Nice Guy.





What da... she signs on another screen name and writes:


jz: ur not nice. just say u dont want to talk to me.

jz: rather than ignore me

jz: i get it. u dont want to hear from me and u dont care about me...

jz: and u want nothing to do with me.

jz: thanks.

jz signed off at 2:47:51 PM.



Seriously. It's annoying me. She's with that guy whom she cheated on me with... her.

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Well I don't understand why instead of going directly to blocking her, you didn't just first remind: "Sorry but I'm not ready to be in contact with you at this point" something like that. Your reaction seems a little childish to be honest. (Am I missing something?) Have you sworn her off forever, and she was really really bad to you? I haven't read your history or anything.

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"Sorry but I'm not ready to be in contact with you at this point" something like that.


I have. I sworn her off 4 wks ago cuz she has the nerve to call and tell me that she's dating the guy she cheated on me with...


I'm not being childish... she is being selfish.


I still appreciate your response.

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"Sorry but I'm not ready to be in contact with you at this point" something like that.


I have. I sworn her off 4 wks ago cuz she has the nerve to call and tell me that she's dating the guy she cheated on me with...


I'm not being childish... she is being selfish.


I still appreciate your response.


Ok, I see your point. If you've already told her to go away for good, and she screwed it up, yes I agree you have a right to be free from dealing with her anymore. If she does it again tell her to leave you alone, you want no part of her.

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Well, if you have tried that, I would say to her look, if you care or cared about me at all, than you will leave me alone. If I had been the one cheating on you, would you be that anxious to talk to me?


She is either an idiot or she feels guilty for what she did. Just let her know that the best thing for you is to not talk to her anymore so you can move on with your life.

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I really appreciate everyone's response.


4 wks ago, I met her in person and when she told me she's seeing that guy... I kept my composure... Wished her the best of Luck and take care. I asked that she no longer contacts me.


I thought that was it... I was wrong.


Anyways, I'm just going to keep NC and block every communication.

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You're doing the right thing...just try not to let her get to you. It's obviously getting to her that you're not responding to her...some people just love to provoke a reaction out of others...she's being childish. Just keep saying the same thing and eventually she'll go away.

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I agree that your lack of response is the way to go. Good for you!! I once had a friend who turned out to be super clingy and just would not leave me alone. NC is the only way to go because any response (negative or positive) just fuels their continued attentions.


Good for you though - sending lots of fab support vibes your way!



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Thanks to everyone who read and responded. This forum has been a tremendous help.


I didn't respond to her IM and blocked her communication. Today, she emailed me using a different email address.


You can't even respond to a IM or Text message so I have to send you this note over email. You make me feel like im doing something wrong...you really know how to make me upset...if your mad at me b/c of our last conversation...well, so be it. I'm by myself and i know ur loving dating around and being mr. "sexy".


Im just very disappointed and upset with how things have turned out between us. Im not blaming you...its just upsetting.


Good day,



Hahahaha, I laughed at this email. Especially this part:


You make me feel like im doing something wrong...you really know how to make me upset...if your mad at me b/c of our last conversation...well, so be it.



Ummm, yeah. Wouldn't you be upset if your ex told you she's dating the guy she cheated with?


Silly girl.


Oh well. Not my problem anymore.

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