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i am 16 and what to have a baby

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hey my name is amy........ i am 16 years old and i want to have a baby............ my one friend just had a baby and now i want one...........i think at first my parents would be kinda disappointed at first but then i think when the baby cames they would be happy to have a gradchild.........i need help!!!!!!!!!!!what do i do??????????????

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You may not like my answer but I honestly think you should wait. 16 is too young to have a baby and could you possibly provide it with everything a child needs? Thier expensive and time taking. Plus you would want to get an education and get a good job to support your child. These are my opinions though, hope I helped a little

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I'm 16, I wanted to have a baby too.... that was until I realized how much care they needed... and how much care I still needed. The way I found out if I really wanted a child was babysitting.... Try babysitting a 6 month old crying kid and waking up every hour during the night, feeding them every four hours... changing dirty disgusting diapers, having a baby throw up on you and taking care of a baby with an ear ache at the sametime.... It's not pleasing...


Your young yet you should be out having fun with your friends...once you have a baby you can't go out anytime you want and have fun with your friends...plus if your still in school your not gonna be able to get your work done and you won't be able to study in a peace and quiet environment, you might even drop out of school because it's too complicated to take care of a kid and still manage your grades...and your kid should come first before anything, their a part of you


I wouldn't mind getting pregnant half-way through my senior year that way when the baby comes you won't have to worry about school at the same time...just a job to take care of your baby...but really the father should do that

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I understand that your friend just had a baby, and that babys are sooo cute, and that your friend is getting alot of attention right now.



First of all your only 16 and you need to finish school, babys cost alot of money and there are alot things that baby will need.


I'm thinking that you also live with your parents, to have a baby you need to be ready to be an adult and that includes living on your own.


You still have so much life to live.....please dont do this to you and your future....There wont be any going out at nights on date, If you want to do anything you will need a baby sitter and have the money to pay for the sitter. You will have to get up at all hours of the night for the baby, plus no more sleeping in, you have to get up when your baby dose.


Most guys don't want to date a 16 year old with kids they want to date someone that can go out and have fun not a Mommy.


Your body will never look the same again, strech marks, saggie boobs, ect.....


Haveing a baby should be a dicision between a man and women when they are married and ready to commit the rest of there lives to another little person.



P.S. please wait, you will see in time you what I'm talking about, and your friend is going to wish she was you, and that she waited, Her whole life is going to chance, just wait and see.

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I really don't think 16 is the right age to have a baby.

I think you should wait, just because your friend has a baby doesn't mean that you should have one.

I don't think it would be right to do to your parents either because they would probably be the ones that would raise the child most of the time because you wouldn't have time enough to spend with your child if you still wanted to finish school etc.

I hope I helped somehow

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am 18 and just had a baby about 4 months ago, I really didnt want a baby not bacause i wouldnt love the baby or anything, but because I new I wouldnt have the money to live comfortable.


At 16 I doubt you have the money to live comfortably on your own. And trust me you want to have the best for your child. Yeah you will love your child because thats unconditional and yeah your baby would be cute, they all are. But they cost so much money, diappers, formula if your not breast feeding, clothes, and everything else that comes with babies. They need alot of attention, you wont beable to go out with your friends as much as you used to and trust me thats a drag.


Dont get me wrong I love my daughter more than anything in this world, I just wish i would have waited until I could live comfortable and not live with my b/f's parents with his mom always trying to help(and that gets annoying) and me being on welfare and my b/f working two jobs and we still cant afford to move out.


PLEASE WAIT , hopefully my situation changes your mind.

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  • 1 year later...

I have a friend like you. She wanted a baby. Well that was until her babys dad started beating her and cheating on her. That was before she couldnt go out anywhere cause she couldnt afford a sitter. That is because she had to drop out of school, either work for 6 dollars an hour or go on welfair. That was before her bratty little kids really started to grate on her nerves. That was before every single cent she made went to bills and still wasnt good enough. You have plenty of time. THink it through for a few years.

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