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I need to hear YOUR life story.

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Well, it's been lots of turmoil in the past years especially now I'm entering university. I have been trying always to take a larger picture of the world trying to understand things better in a better way. Well, guess what?! I end up more confused and bewildered by complexity. I have really taken lots of time trying to distance myself from society and my environment so I can see the big picture and try to really understand what's really happening in everyone's lives. To say it short you realise how much you don't know. Well, what I'd really like to hear some really mature "old" people tell me about how they led/ leading their life, what where the main ideas or beliefs you used to succeed, where did they come from, just tell what makes you "tick" inside and what you believe in personally and socially.

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Terry, the answer is to look to yourself for the answers to the questions.

You're already great at looking outside yourself and watching.


It's the same for all of us. We try something, screw up, learn a lesson. Over and over again.


My words of wisdom: Don't look outside yourself. Don't waste time without acting. Live your life regardless of whether you know the answers or not.



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My words of wisdom: Don't look outside yourself. Don't waste time without acting. Live your life regardless of whether you know the answers or not.



And remember the Wisdom of anyone who has ever been a PARENT and handed this advice down to their kids:


If you see all your friends jumping off a bridge..... would you jump?????


Be observant and mindful while LIVING IT.

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Terry, the answer is to look to yourself for the answers to the questions.

You're already great at looking outside yourself and watching.


It's the same for all of us. We try something, screw up, learn a lesson. Over and over again.


My words of wisdom: Don't look outside yourself. Don't waste time without acting. Live your life regardless of whether you know the answers or not.




Well first sorry for the long time to reply... (anyways I think thats why its called a forum for the time lag)


Now, what I really meant is I really want to know about how you get involved in the big picture. I am not saying I lay around just watch and keep back, I do get involved with a lot of things around me, but I have to admit I do take time watching things go by & thinking on how to make a change at a real level. What I really need is inspiration, I have a strong desire to get involved at a higher level socially not just at the individual level, to really start making a difference, not for the glory but rather the good feeling of giving service. So what I really tried to achieve here is to really have people tell me about what they find inspirational in their social life, so I can investigate further on how to really get involved at a higher level socially.

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One cannot really see the big picture. One can only feel it. One gets involved in the big picture by feeling one's way. One makes a difference by feeling: by following feeling.


The difference that one makes is by being feeling. Being feeling is being the difference. This difference is noticeable.


One notices that being feeling is inspirational.

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With all due respect your post sounds like a bit of psychobabble. To me seeing the big picture is in living daily life and doing small kindnesses - and larger ones - for others - not being a doormat of course and taking care of yourself but focusing on what you can do for others. Last night I noticed a woman who couldn't get her baby carriage through part of the sidewalk because of bikes in the way so I asked my boyfriend if he could help move them aside for her and we did. Had I been distancing myself and "thinking" about the world - been in my head - I would have missed that opportunity to help her.


I also find it through spirituality - both in prayer and in choosing what to and who to pray for at the end of the day.


Another way is by living a healthy lifestyle - I feel centered when I exercise and eat right - and then I am a kinder and less grouchy person.


Also - travel - going to new places even in your own town or city - just got back from trekking around the pacific northwest and yes it opened my eyes in a lovely way.


Keep it simple - the more abstract you get and the more you think that you have to do some grand gestures or "deep" thinking the more you will get away from the simplicity of peace and clarity. When I read to homeless children (about twice a month at a shelter, since January 2002) and I see a child recognize a new word, or relate to the characters, there is nothing like that experience to give you perspective on many things - in a simple, natural way.

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"Knolage is power" the more you have the more power you have over your life. Be a life long learner.


A life is a house with 4 rooms

Spirt, mind, body and Feelings.

You must visit each room every day to have

a happy and good life.


Me I Work hard, love my wife and try every day to be a good man, with Truth, Strenght and Honor.


Knowing that I try each day means I can hold my head high now matter what the world throws at me.


Last of all I follow the way, Toeisem which for me helps me with 2 of my rooms.


Hope this helps

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