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Need advice Please and thank you =D

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hello everyone at enotalone.com!


im in trouble again and i think this might be the last straw because all the time with me and my girl all or problems have been about her. Like i do a lot for her and it feels like she does nothing for me. i usually don't give up but this one is too hard to keep, but here's the thing: i asked my girl to do me something and she like i don't want to do it, i know ur not suppost to ask a lot from someone which i don't and i know that if someone doesn't want to do something you don't force them. well i asked her to do one simple thing and she doesn't wanna do it i do so much for her. i even do things b4 she asks and if i ask her if she needs something and she says no and i know she want it i do it. I'm just trying to be the perfect boyfriend you know what i'm saying just like a mother would say a perfect son will do something for their mom without even saying it but knows she wants it done. well since she didn't do anything we broke into a argument and runined the whole day. i told her i was acting stupid and she said no you were right but still does nothing, all i want to do is find a desent girl and they are so hard to find. she doesnt talk 2 me now cause she thinks im still mad and im not mad just disappointed. what shall i do have a break or break up thanxxx alot =D oh yeah also she has a soccer game 2morrow and i suppost 2 come see it should i go or no thank you!!

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i asked my girl to do me something and she like i don't want to do it, i know ur not suppost to ask a lot from someone which i don't and i know that if someone doesn't want to do something you don't force them. well i asked her to do one simple thing and she doesn't wanna do it i do so much for her.

What did you ask your girlfriend to do? Might wanna be a little more specific...

I think you should just talk to her.

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i did talk 2 her i told her everything like i tell her i do things for you but never do things for me it shouldnt matter of what i asked her 2 do all i know i wasnt forcin her to do something bad. i talked 2 her right after it happened and she hasnt call me all day 2daii this is the first day that we didnt talk in a longg time

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