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my cousinh ran away. she said nothing to me. she is my best friend in the family, in the whole world. I am her best friend. her things are gone, her check is gone. everything is so aweful. she took off. No clue where. we can't find her. iv'e left her messages. I've written her emails. I've done everything! I love her but she is so spoiled. she gets everything handed to her. she was grounded from everything and had her car taken away today for like a few months. so she throws a baby fit and takes off. she had no, and I mean no street smarts. nothing going for her as far as being able to take care of herself. she'll be raped, or die, or something. but i know she wont come home. she ran away around 2 years ago and got picked up on the vegas strip but I'm sure she's figured some way to hide herself better now. I don't know what to do.

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I agree with Sally...try calling the police if you haven't already. Otherwise, it's going to take one person for her to come back...herself. Once she realizes her selfish ways are going to get her into trouble or worse...God forbid. You can try begging and pleading, but she has to want to come back also...especially is she's 18 or older.

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Hey There,


I'm sorry that you are missing your cousin.


How old is she? Has your family called the police and reported her missing?


Unfortunately, spoiling a child like that and not teaching them how to fend for themselves and be self sufficient can create a monster, much like the temper tantrum you described when her parents took her car away and grounded her. Her parents aren't doing her any favors by not pushing her to learn to take care of herself and to be responsible for her actions.


I hope she comes to her senses and at least contacts you to let you know she is safe.


I hope you will keep us updated.

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