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ok well let me just start off by saying that im really really shy and dont have a lot of confidence in myself.... i've been trying to built more confidence but hasent worked that well so far. and theres this guy that i really really like, i've known him for two years, i met him online and we've talked on the phone and we've meet in person a few times and just hung out. i kno that he likes my body because hes told me but im not sure if he would actually consider dating me, basically because hes 20 and im 16, and still in high school. and i really want to ask him out but im not sure/too afraid...i dont want him to reject me and then things get weird between us...any suggestions?

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He said he likes your body well he likes you for sure, ask him out i dont think he will reject you.


If i was you i would tell him how i feel, but hey thats just me. Do what yo think you should do and what you think is right

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hey ask him you never know!

but you also never know if he's just a 20 year old who likes your 16 year old high school body.

and if he just said it one day without you flirting or he just said it out of the blue, like starting a conversation about how good your body looks, then hey id be a little weary bout him.

but on the other hand, he mightve sensed your insecurities and tried reassuring you that youre beautiful on th outside. people with low self confidence sometimes know theyre beautiful on the inside, but maybe feel like theyre physically ugly. he mightve picked up on that vibe.


but also think if he might be using you for your body- if you find out he is, then youll feel worse.


but test the waters a little bit longer

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Just give him a way out and at the same time ask. Like 'hey, would you like to go see 'lady in the water' with me sometime?' OR something... He may reply sure, how about next friday. Or he may not ask you for a time. But, at least your giving him an opening in case he is interested and is shy too!

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