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Does Size Matter?

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DISCLAIMER: This post is about penises. If you are offended by penises, go away.


Seriously girls, does penis size really matter? And what is considered to be "average" size? I think I'm about 5 inches when hard, but I'm honestly VERY insecure about it. It doesn't help that I'm slightly overweight, so it looks smaller than it actually is. Still, penetration goes just as far.


I've never discussed things of a sexual nature online before, so I'm sorry if I've offended anyone. Its just some information I would really like to know, and I'm sure there are a lot of guys out there with this same question. If nothing else, this thread should probably be pinned.

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The average is between 4.5 - 5.5 Inches, or so I've read on this board. Being a child of the Metric system, I have no idea how big this is... =/


I don't think anyone will be offended by that, there are so many more explicit things on here, if you are going to go into detail it's better to post a disclaimer at the start of your post. =)

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What I was trying to say is, THAT your post isn't detail. Go to the Sex board and read a few of explicit ones... I learnt things I'm pretty sure I shouldn't have known about for a few years... =/


But DN is right, apart from the "Does he/she like me" this is the second most common post type =D

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I think there are a few threads discussing this.


From what I have read, what you do with it is more important than how big it is. But if considering it as the only factor with other things held constant, women do have a preference. Longer is better up to a point (depending on how deep the woman is), but thicker is better the majority of the time (because the vagina can accommodate most any thickness).


You are in a fortunate situation believe it or not. Most people won't be able to do much to improve their length. You can by losing fat tissue and making more of it visible.


We all have insecurities. Though I am not insecure, I would choose to have a thicker unit if I could simply because I believe it would provide more pleasure to my partner.

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Losing weight shouldn't be a problem; I've already got a good start. In the past week I've went through hell with my g/f because I strongly suspected what she was doing behind my back. It turns out I was right, so for the past week I've barely eaten and I don't see my appetite returning any time soon. In one week I've went from 275 pounds to 268 (and I don't think I'm too bad off considering I'm 6'2" and somewhat muscular).

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I think it all depends upon your body. If you are a small guy and have a small penis then it won't look abnormal. Usually, your body size dictates your penis size. However, there is the rare exception of a guy the size of Verne Troyer being well endowed. But if you are over 6ft and hung like an infant that will pose a problem, sadly...


I often wonder if size matters so much then why do someone people have small penises? Is it an evolutionary bungle up? What is the point? Or maybe "small" guys should pair up with petite women? Is this really a serious matter, or are we just culturally obsessed with this? Sorta like men being fascinated by women with big breasts...Sure they are nice to look at, but they are made for nursing babies.

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Honestly, I think you are on the right track by improving your life through exercise and diet. You can and will make great progress if you are dedicated and have a solid plan. Quit worrying about how big your d*** is. I think you will gain much more confidence by gaining control over your body and physical health as a whole.


Take a gander over to link removed


That is one of the only sites I trust for accurate diet and bodybuilding information. The board is administered by Lyle McDonald who seems to have dedicated his life to helping people achieve their goals.

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Size doesn't matter to me at all. For me, the stimulation I need occurs outside and is clitoral. Having a man inside me is great too, but its not the most important thing when making love - for me love, tenderness and knowing how to turn one another on is what makes the difference. I've been with guys with average penises mainly and one guyw with a large penis and it wasn't the size that mattered. The guy with the really large penis (girth of my wrist) actually hurt a bit until I became used to it, but it didn't increase my pleasure at all.


I guess everyone is different. Matters not to me. I think guys worry way too much.

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Size does matter to some women, and I wonder if most women have preference.


I've read a few interested personal ads with specific size requirements.


Penis size is the one area that most men seem to be most self conscious about.


Pornography doesn't help either. Most of men in porn are packing elephant trunks, so comparing yourself to them isn't healthy.


Apart from a few tricks, there isn't much you can do about the size of your member, so you're going to have to come to terms with how god made you. The two that I know are: lose weight and keep your pubic hair trimmed. Also talk about it's size in the metric system


So yeah, you won't be dazzling any girls with the size of your member, but honestly any girl who only is interested in guys with large ones aren't really the type of girls I'd wanna be with.


The good news is, if you work on your technique in bed, it's not going to matter. Women enjoy intercourse, but not many can orgasm from it. Manual and oral stiumlation can usually bring a women to climax, and if she gets the O, then she'll want you in bed more and more (trust me on this one).

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Is this really a serious matter, or are we just culturally obsessed with this? Sorta like men being fascinated by women with big breasts...Sure they are nice to look at, but they are made for nursing babies.


That would be me!!!! on my 6'1" frame my 38 b-c cups look teeny. Heck even when I reached D status while pregnant... they looked teeny in comparrison. As small as they are, I was insecure about nursing my kids... and guess what...the body produces as much as the demand is. So... they served their biological purpose.


As far as size on men... sometimes it does matter, and it is a matter of personal preference. You've heard the adage that its not the size of the member but what you do with it that counts?? This is very true.


The female body is built such at most of the nerve endings for orgasm are located on the outside of her vaginal walls. The clit. And she only has about 2" of nerve endings into the vaginal canal. The rest is just a "FULLNESS" feeling.


If you want to be a better lover then by all means educated yourself on human physiology and sexuality. Knowledge is power.


BTW... while I applaud you wanting to get into a "svelt" shape..do so sensibly. Crash diets seldom are sustainable weight losses. Your goal should be a "life style" change in eating, not a crash course short term goal.


Depleat your body of essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals and you will wack out your whole system and quite possibly affect your sex life in an adverse way.

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Well, I'm reminded of an old piece of advice my great-grandfather passed down to my dad, who then told it to me.


There is no such thing as a loose [vagina] or a small [penis]; as long as you concentrate on the right place, the sides will always come together to meet in the middle.

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I seriously doubt your penis size or weight was the reason your girl cheated on you. It probably has to do more with her age if she is around the same age as you. People are looking to experiment and answer their hormones at your age.


I find it interesting how different self perception of weight is between men and women. Women on here who are bone thin or even the higher end of normal think they are grossly fat while men who are clearly in the obese category on the bmi being 50-60 pounds overweight, refer to themselves as chubby or slightly overweight.


Really large penises aren't that common. I have been more than satisfied by penises in the stated average range.


The bf I have now has a very large penis. Long but not too long to be painful(guessing 8") and big around as about 3 inches below my wrist. I admit I love it.

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I think it all depends upon your body. If you are a small guy and have a small penis then it won't look abnormal. Usually, your body size dictates your penis size. However, there is the rare exception of a guy the size of Verne Troyer being well endowed. But if you are over 6ft and hung like an infant that will pose a problem, sadly...


I often wonder if size matters so much then why do someone people have small penises? Is it an evolutionary bungle up? What is the point? Or maybe "small" guys should pair up with petite women? Is this really a serious matter, or are we just culturally obsessed with this? Sorta like men being fascinated by women with big breasts...Sure they are nice to look at, but they are made for nursing babies.


your body doesn't influence your penis size, its a competely separate organ. Like this guy who is 6ft 2in and 200plus pounds who is 5inches. I'm 6ft 3ins, 220lbs, large hands, feet yet have a very small penis at 4inches erect. No correlations im afraid.


Look at ron jeremy about 5ft 5in and a porn star

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call me bitter ehh but the bigger the guy the higher the likelyhood he will be unfaithful. I knew a few hung friends and they couldn't keep it in their pants they had such massive ego's because of it. Must feel like ur a sex god Like my friend i've seen him faccid about 6inches and he's so confident hes even boarding on arrogance, hes good looking aswell which helps i guess. He must have slept with over 50women(only 25) and never stayed faithful to a girl, i doubt a guy with a 5incher would be so keen to use it so often.


I read some scientific study somewhere, it said the better hung a guy the more sexual partners and sex he will have in general as its linked to sexual confidence. Certainly applied to my observations in life. watch him closely unless its just a bit of fun.

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I think maybe you are a bit bitter. No offence but...


I couldn't disagree with that more. It is like saying a woman with big breasts is more likely to be unfaithful because the larger breasts make her more confident and more appealing to the opposite sex (true they often do, but people are unfaithful and cheat because that is a choice they make) Except on a man, you cannot see what you are dealing with (and incidentally, if you want to make your package look bigger with clothes on that is easy enough to do).


Confidence is the common denominator that will essentially give men more opportunity to sleep with women. It is what they find most attractive on average. That is true accross the board imo. The man may be completely faithful or never faithful to anyone.


I could just as easily postulate an argument that men who lack confidence are more likely to cheat. See what I am getting at?

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I think maybe you are a bit bitter. No offence but...


I couldn't disagree with that more. It is like saying a woman with big breasts is more likely to be unfaithful because the larger breasts make her more confident and more appealing to the opposite sex (true they often do, but people are unfaithful and cheat because that is a choice they make) Except on a man, you cannot see what you are dealing with.


Confidence is the common denominator that will essentially give men more opportunity to sleep with women. It is what they find most attractive on average.


I was just thinking the same thing... hmmm my guy is hung at way above the average, should I worry that he will want to seed the whole country side??? Should I dump him in for someone who has a smaller penis that way I don't have to stress over it? nope.


The confidence thing.... ehhhhh... to a point. I can argue the point that I know a gentleman who is very insecure in every other area of his life but his sexual prowess.. .and 'yes'.. I'd say he boosts his ego by.. ummm spreading himself around. but that indiosyncracy is HIS thing. I wouldn't take this as gospel that every guy I run into would do the same. Morals/ethics/values are different person to person.


Grandma always said.. a dog is not worth keeping if you have to keep him chained. And if you have a dog you can't trust and you have to monitor.. maybe you shouldn't be a dog owner.


Always loved Grams analogies and the way she put things.


Getting back to the point... its not the size that matters but all else that goes along with it. Its the whole package. And by that i don't mean just physical in bed.... romance and intimacy is 90% out of the bed.. not in it.

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And by that i don't mean just physical in bed.... romance and intimacy is 90% out of the bed.. not in it.


That is a excellent way to keep things in perspective. I'll make a note to remember this. It is hard to sum up knowing how to support the full spectrum of a partner's needs and create a well rounded relationship outside the bedroom. This is a good way to keep that in the forefront of my mind.


There is an equivalent analogy to bodybuilding. Bodybuilding is 90% dieting and about 10% training. It is everything you do outside of the gym that matters most. The work is done in the kitchen. Sorry I digress....

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Getting back to the point... its not the size that matters but all else that goes along with it. Its the whole package. And by that i don't mean just physical in bed.... romance and intimacy is 90% out of the bed.. not in it.

Well, if romance and intimacy were to be compared to sex, I would be worthy of a top-notch porn star. In relationships, I tend to work constantly to keep my g/f happy, in every single way I can think of. She is always treated like a queen, and in the past this has been my biggest mistake.


Now I've realized that if the other person doesn't try to put into the relationship as much as you are trying, it will never work out and you're wasting your time. But if its someone you care about, you're probably going to end up worshipping the ground they walk on and doing everything in your power to make them happy anyway, so I guess its kind of impossible to hold back when they don't care. Quite the paradox, I must say


Logically if you knew they didn't care in the first place you just wouldn't be with them. But if things were that simple, places like this message board wouldn't even exist and suicide statistics would be cut down to roughly 50 per year.

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There is a big difference between being obsequious and making her happy by fulfilling her needs as a lady. The former puts you a level down. The latter opens up some incredible possibilities...


A relationship where you worship the ground she walks on is too one-sided. The best relationships involve mutual satisfaction. You both need to feel a great need for one another. Perhaps you meant to phrase you comment differently but when you talk about worship or treat her like a queen, it comes accross all wrong. I know your intentions are likely the best, but that is not the way to go about it. Of course you want to treat your partner with respect, show you care tremendously for them and that you appreciate what you have...But you also need to have an equal mind toward respecting yourself and everything you stand for.


Relationships can be both selfless and selfish. Both parts help to make a cohesive whole.

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