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Dealing with someone whi depressed

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my ex dealt with depression a lot and I helped him through many of his bad times just by being his friend. You really can't do much if it's a chemical inbalance. Just try to be there for them the best way you can. Hand out and cheer them up. If it doesn't work, they should seek professional help from a doctor.

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plus, dont forget that when people are depressed, they dont really think straight about things, you WILL get into fights a lot more if there is depression involved in a relationship.


Try to remember that it isnt "him/her" its generally not what he/she thinks and not to take it too personally. it isnt easy being with someone who is depressed and it often makes them more depressed if they start to think things like "Im treating her so bad and shes still there!!". All you can do is be there for them and keep reassuring them and helping them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My ex who has depression just ended a 5 year relationship.


Read my post - My boyfriend left me...


I would definitely suggest for you to seek a therapist and talk to them about what you are feeling and your confusions because I can honestly tell you it is a very difficult thing to deal with alone. You wont get any answers from that person suffering. They tend to keep things inside and want to be alone. And funny when everyone says communication is key in a relationship -well that does not work too well with someone that is suffering with this disease.


If you love this person, try to understand, learn as much as you can about the disease to try to help them...but dont forget to take care of yourself in the meantime...cause it is a tough road!

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