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My life has felt like a soap-opera this weekend!

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Hi guys!


What a weekend! It's been a time of great fun, but also a time of ironic and almost rediculous coincidences which has left me feeling rather shaken up!


We had a festival in our town which lasted all weekend so that was the fun part! Well, i've been dating quite alot recently and am looking for someone serious but it's just not happeneing and that's where the rediculousness comes in!


Firstly i have been seeing a guy on and off for two years but although i really liked him, we were headed in different directions and i knew it had to end although i was sad to do it. i ended it with him sat night which was saddening.


Secondly there's this guy i work with who is incredible sweet and attractive and we have been flirting quite alot. that was until sat night (another strange thing which shook me up a bit). Well coz it was festival times and we work at a cafe, he was run off his feet. I wasn't working at the time and met up with some of my friend's pals who happened to be drinking at this cafe where i work. Well, one of these women was quite drunk and started shouting at the guy im attracted to, my co-worker and it was horrible because she was humiliating him whilst i was sitting there and i went and appologised to him later and he said it was fine but i could tell he was humiliated.


Thirdly(!) On sunday my friends tried to set me up with one of their other friends (without my knowledge!) and we got on well but i told him i wasn't interested and he got all upset and stormed off! Ironicly the guy i like at work also (typically) saw me with this guy so probably assumes that he's my boyfriend, which is another complication which is getting in the way because i think he likes me (well idon't know now because i haven't seen him to talk to him since all this!)


Fourthly, last week a guy who i was friends with at uni came to meet me and we had a good time (i told him that we were just friends) but then he was touching me and I was saying no and he wouldn't stop until i managed to get away before anything really bad happened.


What the hell is going on??? Why is everything been so weird this week?? It's stressful!


And what should i say to the guy at work? He was humiliated by someone I was sitting with at our table, then the next day he sees me with some guy and probably now assumes im in a relationship!

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