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I need some opinions..plz!

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Ok well basically got acqainted with a guy on myspace.

Exchanged some messages back and forth as u do, gave email, then numbers exchanged.The norm.


Id just kinda got out of a crazy situation so wasnt really looking for anythin 'heavy'..still we chatted on and off, lovely guy..hadnt seen a pic of him...he seemed into me, askin bout my fam, talkkin bout his fam..seemed to have a lovely heart..mentioned lil bits bout his past..seemed to come accross as the guy who always got hurt (the nice guy)..Seemed like he had a lot of love to give...i was gettin attachted i wont lie..

He said to meet i thought at 1st no, still felt vunderable from recent events that went on with me( i didnt tell him in detail about my past relationships) ..anyway from then on he was a bit wishy-washy but still interested, he never pushed the meet up thing again, but we still continued to talk..he got jealous too once as i added one of his friends to my email..4 business reasons purely..thas when the g ames started...hed seem uninterested, try get me jealous by sayin he had this girl, that girl ex's on his back..tried to get reations but i never reacted..All a bit silly really!


Anyway,i thougt to myself,, ahh man i like this guy, we get on well imma just meet him what have i got to lose.

I asked him about it, he agreed, then later that week i got an email sayin that he doesnt think its a good idea we meet(i hadnt seen a pic of him b4)

because he thinks it would change what we had..i reassured him it wouldnt(im not shallow)..


So we met, i wont lie..there was a bit of an anti-climax 4 me, he wasnt like Woahhh ya know really goodlookin, we hada good time hada laugh i enjoyed his company...he held my hands etc didnt try to kiss me or nuthin altho i felt like he wanted to...i would have recipocated..id had a drink not alot coz i was drivin..he said why dont u come and stay at mine we could get a bottle and u could drive home wen u felt ok too....

i kinda thught ,hmm yeh i kno wat that means.i said no, nuthins gonna happen...thats when w kinda said ur 'goodbyes 4 that night.

He said to let him kno i got home ok..and i did...part of me after that night thought , i dont care if he dont persue me from now on because of that anit-climax..BUT..there was somethin about him..


This has all happened in a period of like 4months...After our 1st meet up, he appeared aloof?..Did he feel rejected...?

I said to him id really like to see u again, which i did , He said yeh but a month on we havent met up..we have just talked bout twice a week, id txt hed call, wed have a laugh etc,flirt a lil hed appear busy sometimes or uninterested u kno it was like game playin....Hed say things like,oh u gotta treat em mean to keep em keen, lil remarks that came out..or hed laugh about it.

Ive also noticed recently we never talk at night anymore, its more in the daytime.

He will say he wants alone time with me and that he has to sort somethin out etc is he playin games with me?...The tables are turned and i feel myself wanting him more then ever.

Recently i have gotten rid of my web thing he called me a soon as he found out and was a bit 'sad' by it..(he never really messaged me on there anyway coz he said i had enough admirers already) ...

I told him hes got my num and my email so nothings really changed.i txt him yesterday to say i was thinkin bout him and hoped he was enjoyin his w/e..and he hasnt responed...


Lately hes slackin on the responses..im not sure why...i just dont get what is going on...


I like this guy ALOT and i wanna see where it could go (havent told him this)....Am i chasing him?..I really am startin to feel like im the buggaboo here altho the exchange of calls etc is mutual..unresolved feelings from my past (of me holding a relationship together) is coming up....


A start of a nice relationship/friendship shouldnt be so difficult ...should it...?

At them mo he does / he doesnt/...

If you'd like anymore details plz let me know id be so grateful on ur take...


thanks guys

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Ok, first of all, please please please type sentences and do not use short hand. It makes it hard to read your post and it may be why you haven't had any reponses since your post is long.


Ok, and as for your situation, you guys may like each other, but it looks like he's not that interested enough in you to be serious. I mean, really if a person is really into another person, they will put the effort into keep in contact and see them. Sounds like this guy rather be friends if anything. Or he's just shy.

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It's possible that he may not be interested but it is also possible that you turned him off a little by being so aloof early on so he is unsure how to proceed and is just backing off.


Maybe you should be a little more forthcoming when talking to him and let him know that you are interested in him more clearly. If he is still not giving that back then you will at least know for sure and can decide what to do.

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Thank you guys for your take on this..

Sorry if i made it difficult to read!


I appeared aloof at first not intentionally i dont think, id just come out of a horrid situation with a guy and my intitial reaction was 'Girl be careful, can fall for this guy coz hes very sweet, i guess it was a cynical attitude.


After our very 1st phone convo, he was full on telling me how hed fallen for me big time, now he wanted to see me..but i was not really on that idea as yet, i just wanted to move to my own rhythm and at that time i thought if u dont like that then so what (i didnt say that to him), when i said no initialy to meeting so soon, later he said i made him feel like a rapist or somethin?.


We still talked though on and off although he kept doing things to get reactions, make me jealous..i could tell he really wanted me to like him, he took the role of how i use to be in my last relationship.


Its weird but it seemed in his eyes, the way he reacted towards me , was as if i was already his girl.


Then we met, things went nice ,lots of laughin stares that locked and looked away, he asked me bk to his but i said no (i liked him but wanted to take it slow)..Since then the friendship has continued the way it was before we met although hes more laid back..and i feeling like i want him more.

When i say bout him playing games he just laughs about it, and says he has never been hot hes always been lukewarm/cold (then may jokely laugh), u gotta treat them mean to keep them keen etc He asked if i was keen (ofcource i am) and then he goes 'Well there u go then!'


He also likes to talk to my little girl on the phone , asks alot bout my fam/children, hes a muumies boy and loves his family to pieces..


Recently, if i txt to say im thinkin bout u..He wont respond, then maybe call me a few days later..itss o frustrating i like him, i want to know if he feels the same way i guess.

I know hes busy most times but if he liked me i sure hed just get intouch ,playin it cool? i dunno

He sas he wants alone time with me and needs to try sort something out..should i be more assertive with things? Chase him? or leave him alone to come to me..


I wasted 5 years on a guy who was seeing someone else at the same time seeing me, im the kind of girl who if she likes someone will see it throug to the bitter end..I just dont wanna go thruogh the same heartache

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