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Question about dating again

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Hi everyone!

It's been a little while since I posted I feel a lot better! But I have a question about dating. I met a great guy who has a lot of common with me and we seem to have a good connection so far. But is is too soon for me to be dating, my ex and I broke up in march and I went through some rough times but I feel stronger for it in the end. I don't really think about my ex anymore and I feel like I maybe ready to start dating again. But is 4 months too soon?


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Maybe, maybe not. How long were you with your ex?


It really all depends on where you think you are in the stage of being over the previous relationship. I know I rebound fairly quickly, but that's because I usually do most of my "grieving" while still in the relationship.


I say go out with him. It can't hurt. Nothing says you guys have to get serious early in the relationship.

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I've alloted myself a lot of time to work on me before I date again. Simply being that the type of women I chose to have a relationship with, are of such a small community that getting back into a relationship is not a convinient (sp?) thing.


Infact I'm trying to move to where I'd meet more women like that (but not moving for that purpose). I've expended my resources here. So in essense I'm "Closed for Business". Infact meeting my current ex kept me from moving in the first place. Now I'm focusing on moving where I want to live without any distractions.

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