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Its been 10 weeks since my break up, and im slowly getting there. I have tried to be friends with her but its not working. Shes happy with it as she was the one breaking the relationship up but me I still love her though im coming round to the fact that we won't be getting back together anytime soon! Or proplay ever!! So I need to cut contact


Im 25 and went out with her for nearly 4 years. The thing that scares me is starting again with someone, when u truly believe someone was the one for you how do you find someone else. Im going to stay single and enjoy being single again as I can no way jump into a another relationship. Trouble is I didn't choose to be single. I didn't go out with anyone serious until I meet this girl, which was when I was 21. so ive lived the single life. Its not for me anymore.


Finding someone else scares the hell out of me, and of course there is always that worry of not finding someone else. Im told im a good looking bloke, but this has knocked my confidence big time, rejection does!!! I just need to drum it into myself that I have a lot to offer and its her loss!!!


Any advice on how to move onwards and upwards would be helpful!!!

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I've been in a similar situation and I know its tough, so tough.


When we broke up I wanted to remain friends, I said 2 myself it was just coz our history, it was a shame 2 lose some1 I was so close 2, but now I know I always had that thing inside, a little hope that we'd get back 2gether, as time passed it got harder, I loved this man, I loved him more each day, so there was 1 thing 4 it, cut contact completely, no phone calls, texts, letters, no anything, it still took me a while but it was only then that I really started 2 heal. I look back on it now with a smile of all our good memories, instead of the bitterness of why we had 2 break up. Just have fun, if there's 1 thing I've learnt is u never know what tomorrow brings, make the most of your life, it's way 2 short. Your not alone don't worry, every1 goes through this, it's a long road of recovery, but so worth it in the end.


Good luck

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