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In which case is reconciliation more likely?

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Relationships end for many reasons, but it seems like two of the main reasons are:


A) Too much fighting, just plain not getting along anymore and a lack of willingness on the part of one partner to try anymore




B) One partner no longer finds the other one attractive, still likes them as a person but usually has a crush or a rebound person set up that they would rather try out.


Then there is ofcourse C) which is a combo of both reasons. too much fighting and one partner no longer finds the other one attractive and doesn't like them as a person either.


In which of these three cases is reconciliation or getting back together most likely to happen? In your personal experience what have you seen happen with each of these types of break ups, and which led to the atleast an attempt to get back together most of the time?

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I think reconciliation is likely when a person is breaking up with you because they have to work stuff going on within themselves. They may need time and space. Someone broke up with me almost a year ago who I was truly in love with. He said that he couldn't see us spending 15 years together. I knew he was under a lot of stress from work and family. I let it go. I grieved and I moved on.


N/C for almost a year. I found I was ready to contact him because I left something of mine and called to pick it up. We met again. This time, he acted like he was in love again. But I wasn't.


I have dated several guys but no one I felt as comfortable with or as loved as much as he. I am taking it slowly, one day at a time. I've laid the rules down that I won't rush into something where I will hear that breakup speech again.


I think it may work if we take it slowly and not rush into anything. We're working on mending our friendship first. From there, it could develop or it could not.

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I think reconciliation is likely when a person is breaking up with you because they have to work stuff going on within themselves. They may need time and space.


That is the reason that my ex gave me when she broke up with me. Then two weeks later she told me (with a smile on her face) that she was friends with benefits with some dude she had a crush on while we were together, and that she couldnt wait till her parents go on vacation for two weeks so they could have a grand ol time. So what was really the reason she broke it off with me? While she does have lots of stuff to work stuff going on with herself, she sure isnt doing it now.

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That is the reason that my ex gave me when she broke up with me. Then two weeks later she told me (with a smile on her face) that she was friends with benefits with some dude she had a crush on while we were together, and that she couldnt wait till her parents go on vacation for two weeks so they could have a grand ol time. So what was really the reason she broke it off with me? While she does have lots of stuff to work stuff going on with herself, she sure isnt doing it now.



That's pretty cruel of her to do. Very uncalled for. Don't waste your feelings on someone like that.

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That's pretty cruel of her to do. Very uncalled for. Don't waste your feelings on someone like that.


ya, it sucked. But I handled it well, told her she is free to do what ever she wants but that I lost a ton of respect for her. Then I told her she should do it because it's the only way she will learn that FWB never works. That's when she started back pedalling and told me that maybe she shouldn't be doing that. Then I went NC for a week and by the end of the week she called 4 times in two days and sent me a myspace friend add request, lol. Poor girl is soo confused.

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