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LADIES please!! Just general poll....

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Ok...I am dating this girl who is really into me. She thinks I'm sexy, the whole 9 yards. Personally I think she's probably a little too infatuated, but what do I know??? I'm 26, and she's 24. My current situation right now is this


I have a full-time job, but I'm off work due to a hernia. It's just a medical condition, and I'm waiting to get surgery before I can go back to work. I will be off for another month. I've already been off work for a month and a half already....(stupid slow workers comp claims...) Anyways..my point is this: No job....no income. No income...no going out. However, she seems fine and content to pay for two dates in a row. I'm not very proud, and very not comfortable with it. She says "don't worry about it...it is not your fault.." But I'm like "Yeah...whatever...lol "


1) Do girls REALLY frown on this?


2) How would you feel and what would your reaction be on 2 dates?

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Dude - she likes you. It's prolly not an issue at all to her and it sounds like she's happy to do it just to spend some time with you.


Of course if she starts to feel taken advantage of or for granted, that perspective WILL change....but I suppose that's true for anyone regardless of gender.

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If a girl is not out to spend your money, then she won't mind paying for a few dates. Besides, she obviously wants to pay if that means that you can go out.


Personally, if it were me, and I liked the guy, 2 dates would be nothing. I would even pay for a 3rd. I mean, it's not like you are being lazy anyway. If you were being lazy and making her pay, then that would be a whole different story. But she seems understanding of what you are going through. She sounds like a very nice girl!


Don't worry too much about it. Just let her know that once you get back to work, you want to make it all up to her. That way she will know that you aren't taking it all for granted and that you really are thankful for it.

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If I liked a guy in your situation, I wouldn't mind paying for dates either. It's more important to date and get to know each other then who pays for what. Once you are better and have your income, you can take her out on a nice weekend!


Just relax and enjoy the fact that she is really into you.


And get well soon!



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Don't fret, she likes you! She seems interested in you in my perspective!


One of my exes was unemployed when we met, after a layoff, and it had been a couple months by that point (though he was definitely trying!). It was not until a month after we started dating he did find work. It did not matter, as I knew it was not his fault, and I knew he was very motivated to find work as well, and it was not a situation of him taking advantage of me!


I would just try to return her generosity in other ways, like making her dinner or a picnic in the park after playing some frisbee - more affordable options. You don't have to spend money to make it a date

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