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After 18 months of waiting, miles of paper work, heartache, and a dozen trips accross the state, I finally got the call I've been waiting for. I'm getting back into the military!! Army, 11Bravo, (infantry). I will be gone for four months. The only thing I'm worried about is the situation with my fiancee. This was one of our dreams, and she said she would wait for me. But that was before she "left". I haven't talked to her in 2 days and I have no idea what she plans on doing. If I go, I go soon. If I go, I may never see her again. But if I go, and she chooses to stay with me, this could strengthen us more than anything else has. The only way I've gotten through the past few days is through a whole lot of prayer. It's funny how the only time you rely on God is when there's turmoil. I have a feeling of peace inside me, but I am worried sick at the same time. There is something inside me telling me to just give myself up to the flow, and let God guide me. But to give myself up, that is a level of trust I have never felt before

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1)You got no control anyway so quit worrying it won't help matters


2)Getting engaged and joining the Army during war time? Yea makes for a nice romantic novel but chix need their man present...how come you joining the military is "our" dream. Sounds like "your" dream.


3)I was in the marines and yea having a girl at home is a morale booster but oh the dear john letters that have broken many a man...she "left" huh?...going to win her back by joining the military lol?


4)You wanna a relationship or be a hero? Personal lives and the military don't mix well brudda...

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I was in the Marine Corps for a year. My fiancee waited for me that entire time. I know how the process works. I got out on an RE-3f med. discharge. I had a close buddy die in Iraq. We had the same MOS. He took my place in line because I got discharged. THAT'S why I'm joining. I've been engaged for over a year. Or I was. Such is life. I would trade everything I've been through for even the cheesiest romantic novel.

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What you are doing is paying back an Honnor det which can be hard for others to understand, what you GF sees is you putting your self in the line of fire. Most partners find it hard when we do things that do not have them at the center of our thinking add to that the fact that with this one you could be harmed can be a tugh one to handel. Some just walk away and get there faces on the wall of shame, but in truth there just not upto copping with what there loved ones are doing.


I for one compleatly understand where your coming from on this, you need to do this for peace of mind, and to pay a det. Not many would stand up and do what you are doing, I for one respect you for this.


Good luck


Truth, Strenght and Honnor

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