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He has a small penis, and I feel like a jerk.

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So hopefully if there's anything we've learned by this thread..

it's to not be an a$$h0le if we see something we don't necessarily like....

I really feel bad for those men who are getting blasted like that.. it's one thing to have a preference, but it's a totally different thing to make someone feel worthless

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I think guys with small tools are the ones that turn out to be rapists/molesters. Think about it, guys need sex badly, they are horny as hell. And when they can't get it legitimately, they turn to more illegal ways...


Seriously, there should be some kind of study on sex offenders and see if they have small tools.


I am very intelligent so I will never rape anyone or anything like that, but being that I'm very small where it counts, I can definitely understand why rapists do what they do.


This is a good example of why imperfect people shouldn't be allowed to mate with other imperfect people. It just creates people that are all screwed up.

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I think guys with small tools are the ones that turn out to be rapists/molesters. Think about it, guys need sex badly, they are horny as hell. And when they can't get it legitimately, they turn to more illegal ways...


Seriously, there should be some kind of study on sex offenders and see if they have small tools.


I am very intelligent so I will never rape anyone or anything like that, but being that I'm very small where it counts, I can definitely understand why rapists do what they do.


This is a good example of why imperfect people shouldn't be allowed to mate with other imperfect people. It just creates people that are all screwed up.


I hear where you're coming from, but I think there is a lot more to a rapist than just size. So I don't think it's fair to say, All Rapists or people who commit sexual crimes have small * * * *s. Because there is no proof.

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I think guys with small tools are the ones that turn out to be rapists/molesters. Think about it, guys need sex badly, they are horny as hell. And when they can't get it legitimately, they turn to more illegal ways...


Seriously, there should be some kind of study on sex offenders and see if they have small tools.


I am very intelligent so I will never rape anyone or anything like that, but being that I'm very small where it counts, I can definitely understand why rapists do what they do.


This is a good example of why imperfect people shouldn't be allowed to mate with other imperfect people. It just creates people that are all screwed up.


wow, 4inch thats why off the mark! yes i feel bitter and resentful due not to my size- well towards society and i suppose the women i've dated not my actual penis. But, although im small and have sexual urges i wouldn't rape a girl and i feel size isn't a factor. Mostly people rape because they don't have a conscious and reason themselves to believe the girl wanted it or they don't feel guilt, usually they are psychopaths. Its nothing to do with having a small one, i could always hire a prostitute heh.


With my size its brought me to enlightenment though, where i may have been in darkness i now see the light and understand people's motives and relationships very well. Many people harp on about love, but unfortunately the romantic fantasies only exist for reproduction and self fulfilment. People just use each other and we need to seek a girl who isn't sex obsessed and perhaps likes some other qualities about us, thats the harsh reality of it.


lol perhaps we should motivate ourselves to earn 1 million a yr to compensate for our lack of size. Then agian, some decent genetics would have been easier. Or as the old saying goes 'drive a large car' eheh

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unfortunately the romantic fantasies only exist for reproduction and self fulfilment


(how does that explain couples who choose to remain childless?)


People just use each other

we need to seek a girl who isn't sex obsessed



In all honesty, it sounds as though you have some hostility towards women... either that, or you believe that at best we are all sex obsessed gold diggers or something..

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Try not to think too hard about it. It just nature -survival of the fittest. The harsh reality of life. The useless die off and the strong reproduce. The penis is part of this, yes most people in their situation are probably going to live a very sad life more often then not, just like other people with other areas wrong will- more prominant things anyway. Just get on with your life and try not think too hard on the miseries of this poor lot. Your just doing what nature intended, human nature seem cruel but if the tables were turned and you were the one in the same situation it would be no different.

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great post cbert i totally agree. Life is totally about survival of the fittest and if your in a undesirable position its natural to become bitter, resentful towards society. I believe we are all as one taken from hegre and schopenhauer even logue we are a blank slate at birth with certain biological traits and you need a certain luck and fate.


It also kicks into determinism where every action has a cause and effect linked in with behaviourism. You are what the environment makes you and goes against free will and its all purely casuality.


its difficult for people to empathise unless your in the situation everyone seeks validation and pleasure and if your undesirable it can become frustrating. Stilll, though even for the ones bless at birth its a a depressing concept that people are completely self absorted/centred.


and why relationships and love are a farce anyhow and how people are means/ends calculations and a relationship is judged by how much a person brings to ur life vs how much they dont and people are just resources towards ur happiness wether financial, sexual, emotional.


its no surprise ppl suffering from insecuries especially if they put alot of value into a loved one there is always somebody more desirable wether financially , sexually or even personality wise and hence why so many relationships end or people cheat.


I love the pessimism but its so true and its terrible if you get on the wrong end of the desirable traits especially when sex is high on your list =) well ask any man which is better sex? ur gfs wealth, personality most will plunge for sex giving them the greatest pleasure. hee cbert looks like i'll continue to lead a sad life, unless i block out people's cruel comments which is easier said than done.



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Unfortunately lines like that may sound nice and promote ones image but they dont mean sh.t in the real world. People act the way they do because they see the reactions on peoples faces when they interact with them everyday. They see and react to different behaviour every day. Its always healthier to follow the crowd because that is what will help you survive. I really haven't the strength any more to reply to something as silly as that, i had a friend say a similar thing the other day, it was like talking to a brick wall. It all about fulfilling the ego, a truly good person is extremely rare -remember that.


Ps sorry about the disjointed comment i am very tired.

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Well it seems obvious that walking around comparing yourself to others is kind of pointless. I mean, seriously, who wants to wake up one day at 50 or 60 and say, I was so busy worrying what other people thought, that I didn't do anything I wanted to do.. my logic may seem naive to you, but seriously, if I constantly worried what other people thought of me, I'm not sure I'd have the guts to go through with dating or anything else for that matter..

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No, I understand completely. As I said earlier (don't know whether or not you actually read the post...) I have a physical disability that requires a prosthesis, as an amputee. It's quite difficult to go through life with it, and to date, tell people about it, etc. So I understand completely the "Feeling different" part. But does that mean I should cut off contact with any potential partners, or never talk to any guys, or anything like that? Or act ashamed of it??


I am still struggling with just TELLING people about it. It's difficult... there have been times that people totally didn't understand, or didn't care at all, but that's no reason to act like it's okay to isolate yourself. Frankly I'm glad I have what I have and not something worse, and I try to think about that whenever I'm feeling sorry for myself. One of my good friends who was only in her early 20s just died from colon cancer a few months back, and that made me feel really crappy about how I was living my life.. so I'm trying to change that.

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Hey well done in coping with your disability, it takes great strength to deal with what you have. Unfortunately with regard to the original post the size of ones penis does have a direct impact on sex. Coming to terms with a small penis is not going to suddenly make sex more enjoyable for your partner. People will still walk away from you and laugh at you, trust me i am speaking from experience.

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  • 1 month later...

I have had relations with a well endowed guy and one who was very small. I enjoyed sex with the small guy. He was so sexy and lithe. Anyway (removing the memory as it feels like cheating) there are occasions where the size doesn't matter so much. Ask him to stimulate your clitorus simulataneously and you probably won't care at all that he isn't so big.

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  • 6 months later...
did you say it was the same WIDTH as a pinky finger? Width can't really be helped...and although its HIGHLY not recommended i'm going to suggest surgery for him. They can cut the ligaments that make the penis stand up when hard and it adds supposedly 2-3 inches of hidden length. The only downside is that it will always hang down, even when hard, but in reality who cares where its hanging as long as it goes where its supposed to go.


Last ditch effort though...the penile surgeries are never recommended. But it sounds like an extra 2-3 inches would make all the difference for him.


I have had the penis surgery and It was a big mistake. It was all brought on my low self esteem by knowing that a was smaller than average(5 1/4") in length and girth measured 4 1/2" The 2-3 inches they promise you are lies and you are lucky to get 1/2" and that wont make any difference.


In fact, sometimes after surgery the penis can get smaller from the scar tissue healing tighter so you may lose some length. I dont think this has happened to me.


This surgery has put me in a world of depression that I deal with everyday. I also has the fat injections that have left it a little lumpy. I am going back to try to get some of that rectified.


My point is dont ever do it or suggest.


And to you ladies, sitting around with friends whether it is with guys or girls, your boyfriends penis size should not be a topic of conversation. You never know what guys are dealing with that insecurity. To some it means everything and can make them feel like less of a person.


If any guys are thinking about this surgery please let me talk you out of it or if you want to ask questions, pm me.

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