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My boyfriend and I will have been together for a year in August. We go to school together but live in two different states, and I won't be seeing him for a month and a half because it's the summer. It's hard because I want to talk to him everyday and he can go days without talking. Sometimes when I call he doesn't answer but I know he's busy working and with his friends. We went five days without talking before. Am I bothering him you think or stressing over nothing? What's the longest anyone has gone without talking to their significant other? What should i do?

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5 days without talking isn't a big deal, especially because the distance is only temporary. Don't worry about it...make sure you keep busy enjoying the summer and doing the things you like to do and you'll find the time will just fly by and you might even lose count about the number of days between conversations.

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I lived on residence for my first year of university. Our summer vacations are four months long. I saw many couples stay together without seeing each other once during those four months. Many of these couples lived in different countries! There were oceans and continents between them. My point is, 1.5 really isn't that bad. I know, it's hard because you do want to see him, but it really only is about 5.5 weeks.


I also think five days is okay. If he really doesn't like talking every day, I would try to call him less. Otherwise, you could just end up annoying him and seeming needy/desperate/dependent. Every few days or so really is quite sufficient. Besides, shouldn't you be out enjoying your summer and being busy too? Don't worry, there is no need to stress. Just keep yourself busy and trust him. Good luck!

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My boyfriend and I are also in college and also apart this summer, for two months before he comes to see me. I also like to talk to him every day, even if it's not for very long (it's a bit complicated as I am abroad). At first I felt kind of neglected because he didn't seem to be making as much of an effort to stay in touch as I was, so I told him how I felt, and since then it's been great! You might want to talk to him and ask him if you guys can try to talk at least every 3 days or so. You can also stay in touch via e-mails and letters: I love getting those, and they might work better if he is not a phone person.

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