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Can't go on!

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It seems as though i can't go on anymore, everything around me seems wrong, all the right desisions are kept at bay, and i feel compltely worthless. Everyday i have this complex about myself like i hate who i am. Why should i have this life when all it is to me is pain and suffering i hate it, my life could have some kind of meaning but it doesn't i wake up everyday hating who i am because i am angry i am ugly and i dont even feel like i have a life. please help, tell me... becuase this is the second night i have thought, "i should end it here!"

help me, i can't go on!

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im sorry you are going thru this. I know exactly how you feel, im in the same place and mood. Just let it pass. Try to find something to do and stop thinking about it. I have been so close to ending it so many times, but I just think, tomorrow may be better. I usually know that it wont, that I will revisit the dark thoughts, but i just take it day by day.

really...just hang in there,and think of ways to improve your life. TAKE IT DAY BY DAY!

I hope you get to feeling better.

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hi, i`ve had my share of nights like those. i also deal with those same feelings of self-hatred and hopelessness. i have discovered one thing that may help ; these feelings go away for awhile and you feel okay. not great or really happy,but okay. this is the time to develop a little self-awareness. be on guard for whatever it is that sends you into the great despair. try and resist it , build up a fighting spirit. each time you`ll recognize the warning signs and resist with more strength. i may deal with this the rest of my life ,but at least i know i have a fighting chance. i know it isn`t easy(it sure isn`t!). i hope that helps somewhat.

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You have a life, its there in side you, all you need to is stop trying to be what others keep telling you you should be, who are they to place that self hate in your mind, who are they to make you call your self ugly. Your not I say that now YOU ARE NOT UGLY!!


They lie and dont have your best intarests are hart thows that make you feel like this. Stop fighting your self and start to see that they are wrong.


I have 3 rules I folow and in doing so I know in every action I take I am not ugly.


Truth, Strenght and Honnor.


Alwasy be true, do not stand for evil, if you see it being done stand in its way even unto the death.


Be true in word and deed.


Be strong in body and mind, be there for others selflessly when they need you.

Esepet that you can not be strong all the time but trying is for more inportent for that is strenght.

When all other folter, keep on with hope in your hart, you lead the way so other my see it can be done.


Let the winds blow and the world throw what it will at you, when it is done you will still be here.

That is strength.


Honnor youself 1st for trying to be a better human, Honnor others who try as well to walk this life as good men and woman.

Respect them and help them where every and how ever you can.

Do this in all things no matter how small.


Life is a big thing to do all at one time, don't try.

Do each act, each day the best you can, stand tall and know that you are doing right

and in that way with small steps a good life and happy life can be lived.


Do this and you can never be ugly.

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