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If a women really likes you...

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Over my vacation I met someone when I least expected it. She is a very beautiful young lady and she was very kind to me. Before I didn't think anyone would ever want me. She wasn't afraid to show me she liked me, which I wish all women were like that, instead of just playing mind games. Just so you know that just irritates and confuses guys

Anyways, she always made it a point to touch me whenever I saw her...like she'd grab my hand, put her arm around me, or touch my back or leg. Always made eye contact with me and when we'd go out with a group she'd always sit next to me.

Well, when I left I never got a chance to get her number...and she lives (literally) 10,000 miles away. With that being said I don't think it would've worked out. But I'll always remember her and maybe we'll meet again in the future. She really opened up my eyes, I find myself not trying to read subtle signals and getting caught up in mind games anymore, if someone really likes me enough they wont be afraid to show me. I don't want to be with someone who can't tell me how they feel anyways.

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That's what I thought when I first met her until she actually told me she liked me. And she would touch even when we weren't conversing.


That does speak a lot. lol


You're right. I wish more people were honest and don't play dumb drama games.

Being straight-foreword is a great thing.

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That is a very endearing story. Hopefully fate will bring you together again, if it's meant to be...you'll see her again. Maybe not for ten years, but you'll cross paths at some point, lol.


If not, the cherish those memories always. Think of them as a glimpse of love to keep your heart hopeful for the day you meet your beauty.

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