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I'm in love with my best friend

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I usually don't do this stuff, but I need someone to talk to.


I've known this guy since dec,12th 2003. We meet at a school event. We do not go to the same school or anything. But since that very day we met we have clicked. Ever since that day I have no once stopped thinking about him. We are very close friends and see eachother a lot. We did try the whole relationship thing, but it didn't work at the time. It was only 6 months after we met.


He is now gone for 6 weeks for a college school event thing. I have only gotten to talk to him twice. He has 3 more weeks left. I think I am going through withdrawls. Like when i talked to him today after i hung up, i just started balling. And i couldn't control myself. I was like i dont cry, like ever. So yeah.


My point is that i like him still and i like him a lot. Way more than a friend. I am in love with him. I know I am. I felt it the day we met. Its been a while since the both of us have talked about the whole dating thing. We kinda just put it behind us so that we could be friends without feeling werid. But we flirt all the time and we act like married couples. when im with him and theres friends with us they think we are together. Hes only had one girl friend since me and that didn't work. And i haven't had anyone since him.


Soo to get on with it... should i tell him. Or should I just jump in his arms when i seem him from when he comes back and just give him this unexpecting kiss, and maybe it will turn into fireworks from there?


I just think about being with him all the time. Every once in a while he will say something about liking someone, but nothing from there. Nothing ever happens. Maybe hes doing it to make me feel jelous?


idk anything at all that you can tell me i can take.


Thanks and sorry for the long post!

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As long as neither of you are involved with someone else, I don't see the harm in confiding your feelings to him. Since there is no third party on either side who could get hurt, you are free and clear to start a relationship with this person if you both wish. If you don't tell him, you may spend a long time regretting that you did not, or at least wondering what it would have been like if you did. I can tell you from experience that regret hurts, and it lingers.


On the other hand, proceed with a grain of salt. If you do share your feelings, you must be prepared for the possibility that he will not reciprocate them, or that even if he does, the nature of your friendship will change radically. Such are the risks. What is worth more to you? Your friendship now, or your closeted feelings? Are you sure this is not just an infatuation?

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i know... but im not looking for the ending.


wanna be able to do something about it. Hes down at a school trip thing for the summer for smart ppl. and hes met a girl there. Nothing serious yet. but i just know he likes her. And he has 3 more weeks.


should i tell him or what?

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