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Is She Interested?

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Is She Interested?


Went out with a co-worker 2 nights in a row:


First Date:


Started out well, she grabbed my arm and complemented how nice my shirt looks. When we arrived at the restaurant, things turned for the worst. Her eyes were wondering all over the room, checking her phone constantly and only looked my way when spoken to. During the course of dinner, she revealed her age and that she's been divorced for about 1.5 years. Also, that she didn't have any children. After dinner, we hit several bars and basically same type of pattern occurred.


Concluded the night by me dropping her off then I called her afterwards to see if she made it home safely.

BTW, I picked up the tab for the evening although she did offer to pay.



Second Date:


She text message me the next day and wondered if I would like to go out. I made one of my male co-workers to drops by later just to keep me from getting bored. This time around, she dressed really hot and showed a lot of skin. I complemented her on her outfit which she let out a big laugh. I'm not sure what to make of this.

She does know my friend by name only and they've never met face to face.


At the restaurant she sat next to me. I noticed, there's a lot less cell phone activities, she grabbed my arm occasionally, mentioned my name numerous times and crossed her legs in my direction. Lastly, she was more attentive when I spoke.


After dinner, all three of us walked to several bars and I noticed she was walking closer to me rather than my friend. At the bar, she talked about her friend's new born baby, getting married again and etc.


Concluded the date by dropping her off first and I noticed we made extended eye contact. My friend picked up dinner while I paid for the drinks. Again, she did offer to pay. I emailed her the next day thanking her for her time and hospitality during the past two days.


Can anyone provide any details as to what this gal's thinking? her motives and if I should pursue her?

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Sounds as though she may have been just a little nervous on the first date.


From what you mentioned it seems as though she was much more comfortable on the second date.


If you like her and she seems to enjoy being with you, then I do not think it would hurt to give a try and see how it goes.

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I agree with coollady. Maybe she was nervous on the first date. She did reveal that she was divorced and stuff, maybe she was worried about what your reaction would be.


But the fact that you made it seem like you were still interested after she revealed that probably made her not so nervous.


She did ask you out for dinner the second night.. that's a good sign! And eye contact and her touching your arm is also a good sign.


Just keep going out with her like you are, and try new things with her. It sounds like things might only get better from here.

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You want a complete annalysis off this...no problem...you basically describe her nonverbal communication as interperted by you...to do it accurately nonverbal C has to be looked at under its context...the context you give is logistics, who paid, and not much else...2 nights in a row of doing the same ...she texts you and you jump that night...you pay, you drop her off, you send her email afterward...here it is in a nutshell...she is thinking you are one boring sap who has got no game...her motives...find a nice guy who is alittle exciting to get hitched too or go out and have a great time or both...you ain't it...

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You want a complete annalysis off this...no problem...you basically describe her nonverbal communication as interperted by you...to do it accurately nonverbal C has to be looked at under its context...the context you give is logistics, who paid, and not much else...2 nights in a row of doing the same * * * *...she texts you and you jump that night...you pay, you drop her off, you send her email afterward...here it is in a nutshell...she is thinking you are one boring sap who has got no game...her motives...find a nice guy who is alittle exciting to get hitched too or go out and have a great time or both...you ain't it...


She thinks he's boring?? What gives you that idea? In my opinion, her asking him out for the 2nd date just proves that she's interested too.. and doesn't think it's that boring since she recommended it.


I think her non verbal body language says a lot. It's not just about what they did.

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1)body language during first date

2)he brings a friend to "avoid boredom" on the second date

3)he acts in a perfectly courteous and predictable manner

4)he's got nothing going on when she calls

5)he describes the date as if its a financial prospectus

6)same thing 2 nights in a row

7)Tone seems oddly detached throughout writing


Go read the stickied boring thread...

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