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i think you should accept the fact that your ex has moved on. try do new things and meet people...try to keep busy. in time, you'll forget about him. you will have good days and bad days where your feelings of loneliness is concerned. try not to call or have any contact with him. time heals all wounds..you will eventually forget about him.

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Hey.. sorry 2 hear about the hard time u're and been goin thru. It's always hard 2 forget about some u like/luv but we all do. I think the best way's just 2 go parties, socialise wif ppl and meet new ppl, think about it as a time 2 move on from the past and meet new ppl etc it's like a new freedom thing.


I reckon just keep ur mind of him and thru time it'll hapen, don't worry at all and trust me, it'd b easy.


Happy Heb

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