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This may sound really rude so sorry! and TMI

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Does anyone else find that after anal sex they really have the urge to empty their bowels a lot that day?


This may sound rude and gross, so I'm sorry....but I used to be someone who was always constipated. However, whenever I have anal sex that is cleared up in a hurry. Two benefits for the price of one! (Sorry, can't help it!)


Is this a normal reaction?


Oh and btw, does anyone know of any real risks associated with anal sex? We are very careful not to tear anything (not rough) and use a lot of lubrication. In that case, is it safe? We've also both been tested for all STD's.

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Honestly, anal sex is kind of a dirty sex. I said that because there's about 400 different kinds of microorganisms that reside in the large intestine. It has the largest population of any microorganisms anywhere on the body. You should wear a condom, as I'm sure it wouldn't feel nice to have a few friends enter your penis and into your urethra. It sounds like lube is a good idea.


As for the constipation thing and anal sex, it sounds like it's having a placebo effect on you.

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I would think that it has an enema type reaction, I mean (not to get graphic) but all an enema is, water up the butt....


anyway, lots of lube, use a condom, and be very careful one rip and you could get very sick, there are things in your colon you don't want in your blood stream...

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Using too much lube, or if he ejaculates in you causes this problem, as another said it causes an enemic reaction of sorts.

I am pretty "regular" (I eat a lot of fibre and exercise a lot which helps things move too!) so have not noticed a difference, but this is a logical explanation in my mind at least!


Anal sex is riskier, as even if you are being careful, tears occur. The tissue is much more delicate. As a result you are also more prone to infections, STI's and to transferring bacteria back and forth (he can get UTI's and pass them on to you as well). Use a condom and be careful! Do not go from anal to vaginal sex.

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These girls know what they're talking about. Condoms are a must for anal sex whether or not you've got any STIs/STDs, and so is lubricant. Some companies actually make a special kind of lubricant for anal sex that's thicker and so it provides a little extra protection for your delicate innards.


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There's the "Anal Easy" lube (hey, it's on sale!), and I'm sure there are mutliple other brands on this site.

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