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Bust Problems Anyone?

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I'm long-legged and love skirts, sometimes really short skirts. Why? I don't know. I just like them. If you feel more comfortable in something, then by all means wear it. But know that you are under the rules of the house and some day you will be able to make decisions for yourself.


I think many busty women wear tight tops and I don't know if the reasons are subconsciously the same as mine for wearing skirts/skorts. Who knows.


I have the same "issue" with short skirts, being almost 5'11.


Luckily, my mother has always been supporting me with whatever I chose to wear, even if it is a short skirt. Besides, they're never really THAT short, it's because our legs are so darn long!


My mom has always told me to wear what I felt good in and work with my assets. When she was pregnant with me, she used to walk behind my grandmother and pray that her daughter got her legs - LOL. It worked!


I have some friends however, that always try to put me down about it. Wearing short skirts and wearing heels were two of the biggies I always got comments for. Those "you're wearing that" comments or looks from my "friends" sucked at the time, but I stopped letting it get to me.


It's important to realize how YOU feel in what you wear and screw what anyone else says.

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Dear Mrocza: Thank you for taking the time to reply and share your story. Yeah I agree that Ineed to realize how I feel in what I wear and pretty much screw what anyone else says about it. However, while I was growing up I was pretty simple compared to what my sister can do.


Whenever I used to ask my mom if I can shave my legs she would say no, use the cream. However, when my sister was growing up she started using the razor during grade 7 or 8. I guess things like this piss me off because I never got to do things she does at the age of 16. She started getting her eye brows done, her upper lip done...she wears tight shirts and has a size of C...meh I suppose all works in the end right.

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Have you ever addressed the issue with your mom? Or pointed out the fact that your sister gets away with so much?


See for me with my sister, she always got away with more, but in a different sense. She was always the one to talk back, be rude, rebel, party hard - while I was more calm and when I did act out, was reprimanded severely while she was never at all. Talk about double standards.


Why do you have to ask your mom about everything though? I understand you crave her approval to a certain extent but if you're getting nothing but negative feedback, stop asking for it. Or the next time she says something negative, call her out on it.


"Mom, I really appreciate that you're sharing your opinion, but I actually feel really good in this and you're raining on my parade here."


Or a little more blunt, if you're brave.

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I guess I seek her approval in clothes is because I have always shopped with her and cannot wear anything without my parents saying "okay" too.


As for double standards, mom always has an excuse and I guess younger kids do get away from a lot of things. The eldest is like a testing machine to try things on and see what works for their second child lol

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Hey Guys,


I just wanted to let you know that me and my mom talked about yesterday and she was upset as well. She says that I took her words in the wrong way and started yelling and she was already tired from work and things got taken the wrong way. So now things are clear and its back to normal guys!!!

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