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hey im back here again.. thanks for the support earlier this month.

Ive been taking it slow with my lesbian friend. She had been sending me a series of mixxed signals, strong positive signals, and then later she pretends I dont even exist...and now, she told me yesterday she has feelings for me, i sense it scares her... I generally feel the distance when shes around or been around other lesbians. I know when she comes accross another lesbian when hanging out with me, she suddenly gets self conscious about being with a guy. Any Lesbians out there that could shed some light on this?

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Aren't you just an emotional support? I mean if she really is into woman, you really have to ask her if she seriously wants to go out with you if you do. You don't want to find her going via you to your sister, she sounds rather unstable and unsure, the infamous insecuritiy issues seem to be haunting her. From the lesbians i know ,they might try a guy but eventually come back to woman.

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She might feel like other lesbians may think that she's fickle in her sexuality choices. Like if other lesbians see her out with a guy in a one on one situation that they might think it's a date even if it's not. She is probably feeling like it opens up the possibility of being invalidated as a lesbian by other lesbians, if that makes sense?


I've felt the same thing when out with one of my guy friends, although I don't know many lesbians. I just worry that I will see the woman that I have been attracted to and she will think that I'm attracted to the guy I'm with and it's a date, even when it's not the case.

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