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1 Year Anniversary - no CLUE what to get

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Hey all,


I'll be celebrating my 1 year anniversary with my BF on July 2nd...we aren't married...it's just our 1 year together anniversary. He is my first serious BF that I've made it to a year with so I'm really wanting to make it special. I've got a few ideas for gifts in mind...problem is, the things he want are all expensive. A new camera, it would be like $250 for the model he wants. Or some golf stuff - this is a cheaper option I'm thinking...or...I dunno. I don't know protocol on anniversary things....I'm the kind of person that values small handmade gifts so I could do that route too. I'm just not sure...I know that no matter what I do he'll like it, I'm partly afraid to spend big and then have him not do that and he might feel weird...or vice versa - if I make something and he buys something extravagant I'd feel weird. I could have talked with him about not spending a lot or anything...but I feel weird brigning it up a week before in case he's already bought something - or if he's forgotten and hasn't planned anything it might make him feel bad if I bring it up.


Wow I'm so confused on what I should do hahaha...my head is in the clouds - I'm just so happy to be at a year with someone that I love!

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I am POSITIVE he remembers...cause he reminded me 2 weeks ago and because we had to have a discussion to realize exactly what day we were counting...so we counted our first date...which was the Pepsi 400 Nascar race last July at Daytona Technically the entire weekend was our first weekend...and our first kiss was July 4th at DisneyWorld...but yeah we decided on July 2nd


There's also another issue...because it's a Sunday we're a bit limited to options...we both have to work that night...AND his brother is staying with us for 2 weeks...so we have him here. I'm kinda debating on telling him that we should wait till July 4th to celebrate because we both have that night off AND his brother is leaving that afternoon - so we'll have the night to ourselves

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HAHAHA I think you guys helped me figure it out on my own HAHAHA I just talked to my BF - we're both working right now - and we decided that it would be better to celebrate on the 4th Now I feel better about it all cause we've been planning on going to see the fireworks at a big park here...so I can try and plan something special for that as well I think it will turn out good no matter what.


Thanks again

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You know, I'm sure that the most important thing to your boyfriend is just spending time with you.


So whatever you make or buy he will love it because you put a lot of thought into it.


For me and my boyfriends 1 year anniversary, he made me a little photo collage thing with pictures of us. Then another year, he made me a recipie book with a bunch of recipies we enjoy making together.


Think about things that you both love doing together. Maybe you both love music.. maybe you could make him a cd with songs that remind you of him?

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