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hi im dean,


me and a very close friend of mine usually have a few problems between us but we manage to get through them and move on. but more often something happens or i do something which upsets her and she forgives me. Also in school we dont always get to talk to each other due to the schedule, but no matter what we always had our phone conversations!! recently for no particular reason things have changed between us two, the phone conversations are flowing the way they usually do, and there is nothing worser than a conversation which doesnt flow!! Usually our chats just flow, we talk for hours and is just moves along nicely and naturally!! Recently i found myself trying to force the conversation and i jus end up asking her a load of questions and just talk nonsense really!!


I dont know why this is happening, im really hoping is just a dry patch or just one of those things but she said to me that she thinks are frienship is wearing thin!! i thought that too but kept denying it to myself!!


i really dont know what to do, i really care about her and i dont want to loose her friendship, we have overcome alot of things in our friendship but that was when something in particular happened, but nothing has really happened this has just come out of nowhere!! Maybe she is loosing interest in me, but i know i can still keep her interested and make her laugh but when things are akward like this its that easy to do so!!


so if it wearing thin, what should i do?

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Welcome to enotalone.


You need to talk to her face to face to discuss it. It's not easy to understand people on the telephone because you can't see their fascial expressions. You don't say how old the two of you are so I don't know if you're in your early teens or adulthood? People do change as they get older. They realise that relationships aren't the same anymore. Is it possible that she wants to be more than friends? It could be that she's at a stage where she wants a mature relationship and the one you have together is like that of childhood friends? The only way to find out is to talk to each other honestly.


Good luck

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No matter how well you know someone you can't talk forever...eventually you WILL run out of stuff to talk about. Doesn;t mean the friendship is getting less or anything, it just means that you have not much to talk about. It's only really a problem if you let it become one, but as far as I can see it, it's not an issue at all unless you both make it into one. Maybe do more stuff together instead that way its something you can do together and get the same thing but you don't have to force conversation...plus it will give you something to talk about again as well.

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