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Ok will this work out not??

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As an update it's been almost a week since g/f told me about drunkenly giving heads to another dude. I wish I was going to her country to find out who the dude was and beat the living heck out of him that his face would be disfigure. Yesterday somewhere in the evening me and her got drunk and kinda wasted, that was the only way I was able to make out with her. Then when I got sober again I wanted to vomit. I must say I'm also guilty for making out with 5 girls on several occasions as well, but what she did totally gross me, I feel like calling her a .


So this is my plan, I dunno if this is the way to get over what she did. Sometime next week, I wanna tell my older brother to buy the strongest drink, yea he knows about it. Me and her gonna get very wasted and I'm gonna finally screw her (thus losing my virginity).


if this doesn't work, dunno what else will!!!!!!!!!!!1

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Ok dude. Your g/f gave ANOTHER dude a blowjob and you wanna beat HIS face in?? Why?? SHE gave him head. DUHHHHHHHH


Yes like I stated I wish I was going to her country and beat him up enough to leave in the hospital. Yes I admit I did also cheat by french kissing/making out with 5 girls many times while she was away, but that's minor in comparing to what she did. If it had only been that I would have gotten over. That day she called me and say she really had bad news to tell me, her voice on the phone was trembling like almost ready to cry.


Then when I got to her house, that's when she cry out and start telling me she got very drunk that day and end up giving him a blow job. But no one knows that dude, not even her. She say there was no one I would ever find out but still says she woudl rather tell than live with a secret. I seriously wish she would have never told me about.

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Honestly, I would stop drinking first of all. Alcohol is goin to mess with your ability to deal with the situation effectively.


To me it doesn't sound like you are planning to fix things with her, but to punish her for her actions.


Fact is, if you can't even think about touching her sober, touching her drunk is just going to mess you up. Especially if you are thinking of losing your virginity this way. Make it something you look back on at least fondly rather than with disgust.


Also, getting a girl drunk to sleep with her is a form of rape. How old is your gf. That could get you in a lot of trouble.


Ultimately, your gf is responsible for her own actions, as are you. Neither of you have been faithful and thats something you should look at in regards to being with this person.

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So this is my plan, I dunno if this is the way to get over what she did. Sometime next week, I wanna tell my older brother to buy the strongest drink, yea he knows about it. Me and her gonna get very wasted and I'm gonna finally screw her (thus losing my virginity).


if this doesn't work, dunno what else will!!!!!!!!!!!1


Sorry, but that doesn't sound like love to me.

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Also, getting a girl drunk to sleep with her is a form of rape. How old is your gf. That could get you in a lot of trouble.


Ultimately, your gf is responsible for her own actions, as are you.


I'm 19 and she's 24, it's been 3 years since we meet, I was a high school sophomore back then. I'm not gonna force her to get drunk, not that, but if she wants to then ok. Yesterday we both drank, it was her choice to drink just as it was mine and made out.


Then again yea, I gotta find some way to try getting over it. Other than alcohol what would be another way??

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How about both of you acting like adults and talking to each other (sober) about whether or not you want a relationship together and if there's a future at all.


If you both, or you, are reverting to alcohol to make out, get back at each other ... then you're not ready for a relationship. You'll just end up pissed in the end.


If you can't get over the fact that she gave a guy a blow job, then you should find another person to date.

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Regardless of if you stay with her or not..


Losing your virginity to her in *hopes* that you will become less grossed out by her cheating is NOT a good idea. If anything I imagine it will make you feel more grossed out with both her and on top of that, yourselff.


To agent, I didn't get the notion that he wanted to use alocohol as a way to manipulate her.. I took it as he wanted to drink as a means to get over his disgust in her.


And by the way, alcohol won't help you get over it. Neither will having sex with her. The only thing that will help you get over it is time. That and her earning your trust back. If she can't do that and/or you can't get over it then call it quits.


But don't waste your virginity on a hopeless relationship.

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Now I'm not a naturally emotional person but when she told me that day, I was crying like a baby that I had to leave for a while, then when I was wirting in here, I broke down again for a while. Yes justwonderingkid I told her already how I'm gross out, yet I forgive her, that I will work it out, thought her image is shattered to pieces. I guess I'm just so upset right now yet trying to be nice to her and not call her names, she's my first g/f.

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I posted this already in the other thread.


On hindsight, when she asked you for the lie detector test which you "won", it was already over.


I'd split up, be single for a while and think about what counts in a healthy relationship. Hint: Be truthful rather than playful.


It will be much better for both of you!


It also would be good if the both of you drink less. You are wasting yourself.

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Yea you're right about that Scotcha, it won't help at all. Then again, I'm sure no guy would forgive that, geez I must be nice and madly in love. So ok, I'll give it like half a year and if I still can touch her sober then I'll break up. Yes I did lie to the lie detector. Told her my minor cheating, was mad I lie on the device, but somewhat more calmer than me.


I'm sure she would have been feelingt he same if I were to cheat the way she did. But it's worst when a girl does it, most guys would have already left her for that act, I didn't.

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Yea you're right about that Scotcha, it won't help at all. Then again, I'm sure no guy would forgive that, geez I must be nice and madly in love. So ok, I'll give it like half a year and if I still can touch her sober then I'll break up. Yes I did lie to the lie detector. Told her my minor cheating, was mad I lie on the device, but somewhat more calmer than me.


I'm sure she would have been feelingt he same if I were to cheat the way she did. But it's worst when a girl does it, most guys would have already left her for that act, I didn't.

Nah, you talk way too big. Meet her, hold her, cry for each other, kiss her, go down on her, make love.


You can't you're done together and you defeated yourself

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Question??? I would just like to know, who the judge is when it comes to cheating on a s/o? Who makes the rules as to which of your actions are 'better or worse' than hers as far as cheating is concerned?


What I gather from your post is that you can do whatever you like while making out with other girls and no matter what she did, it had to worse than what you did!


Understand that no matter what you did physically is no better than what she did physically. Cheating is cheating and no matter how much you want the world to believe that her actions were worse than yours, it isn't true.


You have also given her something to hurt over and while you are focusing on your pain, she is being made to feel much worse by you for what she did. I'm sure she is in pain over what you did to her also . Work on improving yourself and focus on what YOU did wrong.

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I once made a mistake myself, so I'm not saying either of you are bad people. Whether one big mistake is more or less than 5 smaller ones is neither here nor there. Technically, you've both cheated.


You've got 2 choices: split (which I would) or wipe the slate clean and start again and promise to split the next time either of you cheat.

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