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here's what he sent...

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related to my previous post:


So i decided to email him told him our communication has lessen, sometimes he doesn't reply. that i'm not looking to be 'just' in a relationship, i want a comitted one. that he never said he 'likes me' or 'loves me' (maybe it's too early,it takes time). and i don't think he's too old for me. he's 5 years older than me. i have many options on how to tell him these but email is the best option. maybe we need time apart ( we're already apart already!) to figure out what we want in life. and asked him to tell me my mistakes so i'll change.


he replied:

Wow, Well I am very glad to receive this email. Actually I really care for you, I do not think it was too fast or that I am too old for you. I am just scared. Scared that I am an old man, means that I will make you bored, scared that you still party and go clubbing.

he said he loves everything about me and he's sorry. he 'promise' to be better.


i thought he doesn't care at all. when i got his reply, at first i don't want to open and don't want to read it cuz i'm sure i'll cry. after reading it, i cried but becuz i'm so happy that he really cares for me.

how will i let him know that he doesn't bore me at all? he's such a sweet guy. any other ways to tell him i won't get bored with him. and the party thing and clubbing, i'm always with my girlfriends. should i avoid party and clubbing?


thanks for all those people who helped me... you know who you are.

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what type of relationship does he want?


i think long term one, but he's the kind of guy who is less verbal. he shows that he cares, and so on through his actions.


What is he worried about in regards to your behavior or your needs?


that i will party a lot and meet other men and leave him maybe.


Why should you avoid partying and clubbing?


my friends party a lot. they always ask me to go with them. i don't like him or other people to think i'm a "party animal".

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tell him that you do appreciate him and love him. You'll still want to go out sometimes (shouldn't change who you are!), but its more to be with friends. You can offer to take him in the future should you meet, or just respect you have your own private enjoyments.


If you enjoy going out, I don't think you should stop. Perhaps slow down if its taking away time between the two of you, but don't stop spending time with your friends!

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