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i did something stupid and i want to erase it...

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the man i'm with is the one that i want to be with forever. I can see us a long ways down the road.....(mostly because we're three and a half years down the road)


But i did something stupid. I go to school away from home, and in the fall semester, there was a boy in my class that i thought was beautiful, and i really enjoyed talking to him after class. We decided to 'hang out' one day and we ended up at his house. one thing lead to another and he kissed me. I didn't stop him immediately, but it was like two littel crappy kisses and i realized what i was doing. I felt nothing. it meant nothing.


But i've kept it a secret. I always felt that there was no need to tell my boyfriend just so he could get upset. I Love my boyfriend, and i care about our relationship.


But this stupid thing haunts me. I'll still have to go to college with this guy (not that i'll see him much, but its inevitable) and it will always be in the back of my head.


i wish i could just erase it all. i want it out of my head.

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Well, you realized you made a mistake, realize your boyfriend is who you want, and you didn't "go all the way"... I'd keep it to yourself, let the guilt go, think about it as a learning experience and validation that what you have is what you want.. now if you do it again, with this guy or whoever, you should probably be talking about it with your boyfriend. I'm normally not one for hiding things but by the way you described it, it doesn't seem like you'll do it again.

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i think telling him would cause an unnecessary uncomfortable situation. But it is hammered in our heads so much that we have to tell these things.

i think i should keep it to myself.


Yea I think so too. Why bother telling, esp. if it's useless??? At least it didn't meant further than just two crappy kisses. Now learn from it, if you're having problems with your b/f, talk to him about it!!!!!!!!!!!!

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