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Has anyone dealt with a patholagical liar before?

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Oh yeah, I know they lie for a living and this is what I asked her if it went too her head or somthing. But to answer your question, the other woman know's about me because i called the house one day and she picked up the phone. She was shock too hear all I had too tell her about her lil roomate, but for the sounds of it she really is with her because she is comfotable, that's what I got from the whole conversation. But you know what, whatever it is I don't care was done is done and she distroyed my life. This is someone I opened my doors and my heart and she just did what she wanted with it. And know I have too pick up the pieces and get my heart where it use too be.


I'am actually having a heart time with this I can't stop thinking and analizing why someone would play with a human bein this way. My kids opened up too her and all she can say is that she is sorry, like everything is ok. She lied too me my kids on how we were going to move together and then just tells me she was affraid to lose me, so that is why she lied. I think that she really needs some serious help, you just don't do this to somone you say you loved. She never loved me or care for me or my kids, she is just a and evil person. And I can believe that I have day's when I just want too die, because this is the person she has created, someone that just wants too die.


This pain is killing me I really think I need some help.

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I am sorry. I know how you feel my ex did the same thing to me filled my head up with a bunch of lies, and then walked away like nothing ever happened. Just know that the pain will go away one day. You just have to make up you mind that you will let her go. That takes sometimes maybe 6 months to a year. However, the more active you are in forgetting your ex the better you will feel. What helped me get over my ex were prayer, friends, family, and really funny movies. She is not worth killing yourself over. Your kids need a strong mother to give them guidance and support. Don't cry anymore, she is not worth your tears.


I wish you the best good luck and God bless.

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I really appreciate you taking the time to write too me, I have being trying to keep myself busy, and not think so much. Today makes a month of NC, and it feels like is never going too end. I have too be honest, I can stop thinking about her, but I know she is not even worth my thoughts. It gets hard on the weekends but I'm going too try too keep myself busy with my kids.


Thank you again.

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